Time Assassins

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At first, when I pondered it, this dream lesson seemed impossible. However, I quickly began to remember examples I have read and heard before.

Time Assassins

Something I have long understood: a dream about a dark subject, a forewarning about something horrible, can effect your mood the next day. Even if the dream fades away a few moments after waking, the ugliness of it can impact your mood.
Even if the dream is not remembered at all, the person wakes with an attitude adjustment. Because the future event is some unknown time in the future, I learned to not allow an angry, upset, or sad feeling enter the day into which I awoke from a night of unsavory dream(s).

Later, I also realized: even if you forget the information you see in a dream, it remains in the subconscious mind. The things a person sees in dreams affect their thoughts, beliefs, and expectations- even if they do not remember the dreams themselves! Just like subliminal messages in Disney films and others tagged to music at speeds too high for the conscious mind, but perceptible to the subconscious, the mind heard it and knows it. It is just the conscious mind which remains unaware the information is there. Like a stone on a riverbed, you can't see it. But, this unknown information turns the tide of thought and action. It's presence can be understood by the ripples at the surface of speech and action.

I even expect that, sometimes, when you meet a person and do not like them immediately, it is because you have already seen in a dream- this person is bad news, will betray you, will campaign against you with gossip, or somehow be wicked against you, if you allow them into your life.

Other times, you wake and have just the concept which was being taught in the night’s dreams. It might be a teaching like, “Hope is a wedge in the path of the devil. It forces him off course.”  One night late in the year 1998, a night's dreams revealed that my former business partner would betray me, and try to claim I was insane (because of my dreaming!), but would later confess it to me, weeping. All that played out, too, over several months. I’m sure I saw a lot more in that night’s dreams. But, in the morning, I just recalled the lesson, not the actual scenes. Except for one scene, that is: him sitting with me and crying as he confessed.

Here is the concept with which I awoke this morning:

The school shootings are not actually merely an attempt to control guns. They are targeted assassinations, designed to kill just one of the children- before they ever succeed in their life’s work!

The concept is not novel, at least not to theater. In the movie Terminator, a machine is sent back through time to kill Sarah Conner before she can ever give birth to a future resistance leader.

An Assassin Sent to Kill Win Worley

I think most people will think the idea of time assassins is a bit too much like science fiction. So, I am going to give some contemporary and historical examples. Not enough Christians know about Win Worley, a deliverance minister who cast out devils and healed the sick. One of Mr. Worley’s testimonies is that he met with an assassin who received orders from Satanists. His missions were to kill Christians. This man had saw the truth, and given his life to Christ. He met Worley and showed him a list of names he had been ordered to kill. Win Worley was on the list.

But, the list was from a time two years before Worley ever learned about deliverance, when he was just a common preacher in the Baptist convention. Somehow, the Satanists knew who Worley would become and plotted to kill him.
How many ministers do you know who have almost died many times, but God delivered them? Daniel Rodes, a Virginia prophet with powerful warnings from God, almost died five times. But, God saved him each time.

The devil has come to kill, steal and destroy.

Examples of Attempted Killings

You may remain unconvinced that this violation of linear time concepts actually happens. If you are Christian, I give you these examples from history which are recorded in the histories of the Jewish culture.

Pharaoh Attempted to Kill Moses
Shortly before Moses was born, the reigning pharaoh turned on the Hebrews. I believe the devil put a spirit of paranoia into his heart. So, he ordered the midwives to kill all the male Hebrew babies when they were born. They tricked the pharaoh and did not obey. So, the pharaoh of Egypt then ordered everyone to kill male Hebrew babies. (Exodus 1). Why? The devil wanted to kill Moses before he ever learned to walk.To get at one child, tens of thousands of children were killed.

Herod Attempted to Kill Jesus
When Jesus was born, the Roman prelate, Herod, repeated this ultimate murderous act. Herod sent out soldiers to kill all the young male children of the Jews aged 2 and under, who lived in the region of Bethlehem (Matthew 2:16). Herod had learned, first inadvertently from wise men from the East, and second from the Jewish religious leaders, that a king who would shepherd Israel would be born in Bethlehem. Again, Herod believed he could kill Jesus before he even began his life’s work.Again, Satan was the impetus for it all.

God calls His servants even before they are born (Jer 1:5). He knows the end from the beginning. Somehow, demons are learning who is going to do what, and where they will be born. They deliver this information to their servants, the Satanists, who hire killers.

So, here is the concept I had this morning: The school shootings are not merely part of a plan to seize guns. Each attack has targeted a single child, one who was a future threat to evil. They are killing large groups of children for one of two reasons. First, it is a known tactic in military and paramilitary organizations to involve a targeted individual in a large group action. This prevents or delays their enemies from discerning who is truly being targeted. The second possibility is that, as in the times of Moses and of Jesus, they don’t actually know who it is they need to kill, only the person’s age and general proximity.

Modern-Day Assassinations
This girl, Kristina Shevchenko, survived a head on collision a few months before being shot in an Oregon mall shooting. She is a praying Christian who loves art and math. Her father praised God for her survival. 

Jessica Ghawi felt an "eery feeling" in her stomach just before the shooting in Eaton Center food court, in Toronto. Seconds after she walked out, a shooter entered and killed two men, seemingly at random. Jessica Ghawi was a writer and a blogger. Later, a shooter entered a movie showing of The Dark Knight Returns, and killed 12 people, including Jessica, and wounded 58 more.

I suspect, as these shootings continue, we will begin to find more and more multiple survivors. There is going to be some commonality between them. The enemy does not want us to realize who they are hitting. If we did, we might put together who they are pre-empting and through that, what the enemy fears.

Another interesting thought: One of the girls killed in a mall shooting had escaped a previous shooting a short time before. Could she have been the sole target in both attacks? This would fit the first theorized method: killing a large group in order to kill just one target, and to make it unclear who the real target is.

One thing about the Satanists- they almost always “double down” on their efforts. For example, by controlling the Federal Reserve, they not only have leverage over the government, they also have a means (money) to gain land, great works, control of the media, and hired assassins, to name a few. Another example: the Oklahoma bombing. Timothy McVeigh is reported to have worked on a secret to develop fungus as a bio-weapon to cause cancer. It is a simple, ‘two birds with one stone’ concept.

This brings in a third scenario. The attacks are designed to attack gun ownership. And, the places and dates chosen are ones which include one or more future enemies of the Satanists.

So, that is the concept of the night’s dreams. I don’t remember all the dreams, just one. It was about a man being tracked by his “Expedition” wrist watch by two groups. The first wanted him dead. The second wanted to save him. The killers wanted to terminate him for who he would become, not who he was, which I will leave out of the telling.

A Time Assassin Converted by the Man he Went to Kill
The Christian evangelist Win Worley shared another interesting story about killing across time. When he worked as a deliverance minister, the demons hated him. They plainly told him they wanted to kill him. Some tried to curse him as Worley cast them out. But, that is not the interesting part of his story.

Worley shared how, when he was still a small time minister, very early in his work, he converted a man from the world to salvation. The man confessed he was an assassin in the service of Satanists. He had a list of names to kill. He was never told reasons why. One name on the list was Win Worley. "The interesting thing is," said Win, "this man came to kill me before I ever began the deliverance ministry or really even knew what it was. And, the man told me he had been in possession of the list for three years. This put the creation of the list at a date before I even entered the ministry." (I paraphrased from memory.)

Sunday Adeleja Converts Two Assassins Sent to Kill Him
This story is somewhat the reverse case. A Nigerian pastor working in Kyiv, Ukraine. Sunday Adeleja (yes, that is his birth name) dreamed about two men who received orders to kill him. He already expected them when they entered the church and sat in the back row. He knew they planned to kill him after the service. Sunday preached about salvation and forgiveness. As he preached, the Holy Spirit began to give Sunday what to say- things about the two assassins. Sunday preached that even murderers can receive salvation, even killers, even criminals, even a man whose mother died miserably- all things specific to the two men. By the end of the service, when Sunday made an altar call, the two men came forward, weeping. The Holy Spirit touched them, and they received Christ as their savior. They then confessed their plans to Sunday, who laughed and said, "I know." The two men are today evangelists, still working for the Kingdom of God.

     So, the enemy can see into the future. But, so can we, brethren. Notice in my dream there was one man targeted. One killer was seeking him out to end him. But, another man sought him, too. The second man wanted to warn him, to save him.

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