Dreams about How to Live

Dreams about How to Live - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Dreams about How to Live !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori dream !! dream teachings !! early dreams !! forgiveness !! good life lessons !! How to live !! life !! life lessons !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Dreams about How to Live ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

When I first got saved, and also released unforgiveness, I began to dream every night. Some of the very first dreams were about balance and living right. As these were first, I assume they have high importance, or else are an important fundamental understanding for a good life.

One dream showed a person baking a cake. "For the cake to be delicious, each ingredient must be added in just the right amounts, omitting nothing, not adding too much of anything." There was another dream around this time, also about keeping balance in life.

Another dream was a simple statement, "Life is a good, good place for those who do what they are supposed to do."

Around this time, many dreams focused on the appropriate way to live so that a joyful experience might be lived.

One other dream explained that life is not all increasing and heading upward. I saw a simple caterpillar on a flat surface. He locked his forward legs in place, and begin to inch the rear portion forward, while the midsection began to arch upward. When the rear was very near the forward section, and the midsection was arched up nearly into two vertical segments, the caterpillar released the forward legs and suddenly took a giant move forward.

A voice explained that life has times of sudden growth, and then plateaus in between. These quiet times are to rest us for the busy growth times, and so that we can master the new things of the previous growth.

Life has quiet times and hectic times. There are times of loss and times of increase. All the ingredients come into the best lives. There is salt and sugar both. There is honey, vanilla, cinnamon and cardamom, too. We have eggs that bind the mix together. There are times to stir the batter and fold in some air to make the cake moist. There is also a time to let it sit, and a time in the oven.

May your life be the best it can be! May we all do what we are supposed to do, and in the right moments, so that our lives win the baking contest for best overall. Peace.

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