Korean Dramas Cliché's Part 1

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I finally found ample time to write this topic that really amused me: Korean drama cliche. Korean Dramas are loaded with clichés and stereotypes,and viewers seems to love it!!
I just found it so amusing that the more cliche scenes it has the more likely it will become popular (perfect example is Boys Over Flowers). So, I listed all of the cliches I could think of..if you have anything in mind please feel free to share!!!
1. Men who are hot and rich fall in love with vulgar, outspoken, poor, hot-tempered but hardworking woman. 
Lover's in Paris, Boys Over Flowers, and My Name is Kim Sam Soon: "I'm not pretty nor sexy but it doesn't stop me from stealing his heart!" 
2.Best guy friend is secretly in love with the lead girl. 
Boys Over Flowers, He's Beautiful, and Reply 1997: "I want more than friends!"

3. Brothers or best friends or schoolmates or enemies always love the same girl.
Lovers in Paris, Reply 1997, and Autumn in my Heart - "See? I just don't steal his heart..but his friend's/brother's too. Hihihi. 
I'm totally hot!"
4. Somebody gets into the pool or ocean with their clothes on.
He's Beautiful, Boys Over Flowers, and Lovers in Paris. - - "Best attention getter is getting wet!"

5. Guy or girl always order juice or coffee at a cafe but they would never drink it, EVER, 
and there's always a mellow background song.
  Secret Garden,Rooftop Prince, Reply 1997, and Scent of a Woman - "I'm here to waste your time and not to drink coffee!"

6. Actors went to America and came back miraculously successful or went to England and came back 
amazingly fashionable. For those who stay in Korea the only thing that’s changed is their hairstyles.

Coffee Prince, Stairways to Heaven, and My Name is Kim Sam Soon - My Harvard degree made me hotter than before. Don't you think?
7. Even if the lead is poor she or he would never wear the same clothes twice.

Baker King, A Love to Kill,and Bad Guy -  "I know I'm Poor but I'm still stylish!"

8. Everyone has a long lost sister or brother or twin.

Cinderella Man, Autumn in my Heart, and 49 Days - Gosh! So it means I'm RICH right?!!

9. There's always an airport scene. 60% of the time they meet each other, and 40% they don't, they’re just roaming around in circles and pass each other about 6 times until they missed each other. 
Big, Lie To Me, and My Fair Lady.- "it's imperative that we should kiss!!!"
10. Airports are fashion runways these days. One of the cliches is wearing sun glasses 
after getting off a plane. 
        Big,City Hunter and Boys Over Flowers - "Perfect for paparazzi! Where are they?? Can't they recognize me?!"

11. If the lead hit his/her head in a traffic accident, or had a bad health he or she might lose 

his/her memory. But don’t worry, he/she will get it back when he/she hit his/her head 
a second time or if he/she witnessed a familiar heartbreaking scene. 
Nice Guy, Boys Over Flower, and Winter Sonata - "Um, do i know you?
I'll pay my debt if I remember it OK?"

12. Unless the female lead is fabulously rich, her in-laws will always hate her.

Boys Over Flowers, Secret Garden, Baker King and Royal Family - “Maybe I made your poor girlfriend's life miserable but son try to understand, I’m not a typical soon-to-be mother in law...I’m your rich and glamorous mom on this no.1 drama!!”

13. There are three ways to kiss. Either pressing of lips against theirs with their mouth completely shut in a long and comfortable kiss, or they will devour and suck their soul out or the worst cliched accidental-fall-on-top-of-your-lips kiss. 

Kissing Scene 1 -  It refers to opened eyes-awkward-boring-no-breathing-just-touching-of-lips-kiss.

Can't Lose You, Heartstrings, Ojakgyo Brothers, and  Can You Hear My Heart - "Shit, her lips stick like a fly paper".

Kissing Scene 2Hot – Soul sucking –Sweet Kiss
Love Rain, Secret Garden and Star Lovers - "I'm sucking your tongue... err ...your intestine?"

In my opinion, the best kiss scenes that had many hearts flutter were in Coffee Prince and Lie to Me and oh the best female kisser in kdrama land is no other than- Yoon Eun Hye.

Kissing Scene 3 - Accidental-fall-on-top-of-your-lips kiss.(An over used and over rated kiss. If you were tripped 

or fell unto someone, most likely you'll get a bloody nose and not an unexpected smooch)
             Flower Boy Next Door and  He's Beautiful - 'Ops! I tripped and landed on your face eerrr..lips!'

14.A guy and a girl on a bus must sit in the rear next to the right-hand window. A lone girl or guy sitting at that spot will reminisce about the time when he/she did have someone sitting beside him/her.

Rooftop Prince, Dream High 2, and He's Beautiful - "Shit, if only I have car.."

15. Lead man can kick the butts of gangsters, especially when they all stand in a circle 
and attack the guy 1 by 1. When each of them get their butts pawned they wise up and
attack the guy at the same time. Then the guy will get pulverized and bleed out onto the
 dusty concrete floor of the empty warehouse they found to fight in. And the girl is watching 
the entire time, screaming in horror. Instead of calling 119, she’ll just watch and cry.
 But it’s okay because the next day the guy will be fine with a few random bandages 
and a few scars on the face but never a black eye.
     Dream High 1, Nice Guy, and Boys Over Flowers - "I'm not just a hero here. I'm Superman! Kill me if you can!!"

. There will always be a “save the girl” scene.  This is usually the guy saving the girl from drowning, 

or pulling the girl back from getting hit by a car, truck, train, bike, snowboarder, or run away cart and more 
often than not the guy will stare on these vehicles waiting to hit him and for the next seconds everything 
is on slow motion. 

                  Shining Inheritance,He's Beautiful, and Boys Over Flowers - "I told you I'm Superman!!"

17. There will always be an ice skating scene.
Full House, Boys Over Flowers, and Personal Taste - Yeah! That's right! Chase me and you should fall flat on your face
(but no broken bone) so I will romantically help you up.

18. Emotional or Dramatic confessions or Kissing scene in the rain.
    City Hall and Nice Guy Ok, honestly, I’m doing this because rain makes me look like crying even if I’m not. You see, It’s hard to cry on the spot!! 

19. There will always be a noraebang (literally means singing room) scene.

 My Name is Kim Sam Soon, Dream High and Can't Lose You - Who says I can't sing???

20. There will always be a “pretty woman” scene, when the guy takes the girl on a shopping
 spree where he’s always surprised how beautiful she really is…

Boys Over Flower, Coffee Prince,and Lovers in Paris - "hair extension/wig makes a difference right?"

21. Shower scene - A must have (almost a compulsory) for a drama is 
one hot and steamy shower scene. 
City Hunter, My Princess,Marriage Plot, Scent of a Woman, Miss Ripley, and Midas -
 “Baby, I know I’m hot with my delicious-rock-hard-chocolate-abs, it works for the rating so melt 
and scream!”

                              King 2 Hearts - Ya!These punks are show off. Tsk. Bubble bath is more fun!

22. Loan Sharks - Men in black suits who always knock on hero's/heroine's door. 

Equator Man,The Virus, and Midas - "I'm  maybe just an extra on this drama but f*ck, I'm richer 
than you!!"

23. Hilarious hairstyle - heroine always had this laid back pony, pig tail, or apple head
 hair style.
My Girl, Playful Kiss, Boys Over Flowers, Dream High and Personal Taste - "Yeah, this hairstyle beat you, bitch."

24. Han River - whether soul searching, breaking up, meeting, drinking,
 and problem solving, or just want to emote, this is the best place.

Rooftop Prince - "Yes, this place is perfect for our break up."

This is my list, some things puzzle us, amaze us, delight us, annoyed or put us off  
but more often than not these are the things that keeps us hooked on these lovely dramas! 
This is it for now! I'm still working on my 2nd part so watch out for it! See yah!

[Update! Here's the Second Part-  Korean Dramas Cliche's Part 2 ]



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