10 Mistakes in Dream Interpretation

10 Mistakes in Dream Interpretation - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang 10 Mistakes in Dream Interpretation !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori Carl Jung !! dream dictionary !! dream interpretation mistakes !! How to interpret dreams !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan 10 Mistakes in Dream Interpretation ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Here are some very common mistakes people make when interpreting dreams. This is a summary version of a much longer lens posted on Squidoo.

1. Not all dreams are valid dreams, healthy for your consideration. Some are just the mind. Others are from dark sources, and are intended to harm you or bring you fear.

2. Interpretation of dreams, visions, and prophecies belongs to God. We must pray for an understanding. Even a non-Christian can pray (which just means petition, or ask) to God for wisdom and interpretation to understand a dream. Just be sure to specify you are asking "the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob."

3. Dream dictionaries have very limited meanings. These should be abandoned in favor of relying only on God in prayer. This will become part of your relationship with God, currently displaced by books. Remember, Jesus will turn away some who believed they knew Him, but did not. They had signs and prophecy (and probably dreams, too!) But, Jesus will say, "I never knew you." Better get to know Jesus, and ditch the dream dictionary interpretation method. Only a Christian dream interpretation book, compiled from the Bible, and from prayer or fulfilled dreams, is valid for Christians.

4. Jungian interpretation: Jung was just a pagan, spiritually. He called the Kabbalah "gold!", made horoscopes for his analysands, based much of his theory on the I Ching, and generally used eastern religion to create a false science in the west. Jung himself said all he ever really did was translate eastern thought (superstitions and demonic teachings) into terms acceptable to the west.

5. Failure to take notes in a timely and effective manner can result in forgotten and even inaccurate information. Learn to take good notes using keywords, and then expand those notes as soon as you can, preferably immediately.

6. Ignoring common formats or other techniques used by dream choreographers. The chosen format can indicate the type of message included.

7. Dreams in one night almost always are related to the same topic. Interpreting three dreams from one night as three separate messages, and not comprehensively, is a mistake.

8. Overlooking minor details. Often, a small detail may be the key to understanding a dream.

9. Assuming the face you saw in the dream means the you know who that person is. Faces can by symbolic just as much as anything. I think this error is easy to make because we think of a face as belonging to exactly one person, and no others. However, a face can represent another person with the same name, job, personality, or any other trait.

10. Assuming information that is not in the dream. A common example, easy to prove, is seeing a season, or hearing a month in a dream. Some interpreters automatically assume or fear the forewarning is for the same year.

Engineers, doctors, builders, military commanders, and other professionals study mistakes they made personally or saw made by others. This prevents making the same mistakes. You may even want to create a separate list of mistakes you have made, to help protect you from making the same mistakes in the future.

Full article: 10 Dream Interpretation Mistakes

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