Performing/Representing Male Bonds: Issue 2 of INMEDIA - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Performing/Representing Male Bonds: Issue 2 of INMEDIA !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori
Australian cinema !!
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feminist film studies !!
masculinity in film !!
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science fiction cinema !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Performing/Representing Male Bonds: Issue 2 of INMEDIA ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->
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Screencap from The Matrix (Larry and Andy Wachowski, 1999). Read Marianne Kac-Vergne 's article Losing Visibility? The Rise and Fall of Hypermasculinity in Science Fiction Films on the images of masculinity offered up by this and other scifi films. |
Film Studies for Free let its readers know, early last year, of InMedia, a great online French Journal, in English, of Media and Media Representations in the English-Speaking World. Its first issue treated Global Film and Television Industries Today.
Issue 2 on Performing/Representing Male Bonds has also been published recently and its contents, many of which are film related, are linked to below.
InMedia, Issue 2, 2012: Performing/Representing Male Bonds
Edited by Raphael Costambeys-Kempczynski, Claire Hélie and Pierre-Antoine Pellerin
- Performing/Representing Male Bonds Raphael Costambeys-Kempczynski, Claire Hélie and Pierre-Antoine Pellerin
- Losing Visibility? The Rise and Fall of Hypermasculinity in Science Fiction Films Marianne Kac-Vergne
- The Reluctant Patriarch: The Emergence of Lads and Lad Mags in the 1990s Nick Growse
- Seducing Women to Assess Each Other: Male Hierarchies within the Seduction Community Mélanie Gourarier
- Midlife Pop Masculinities in the Here and Now Chris Tinker
- British Party Election Broadcasts (2001, 2005 and 2010): Ideological Framing, Storytelling, Individualisation David Haigron
- ‘Locus of Control’: A Selective Review of Disney Theme Parks Thibaut Clément
- At the Crossroads of Media, Media Critique, and the Critique of Media critics – An Interview with Serge Halimi, Editor-in-Chief of Le Monde Diplomatique Serge Halimi and Christine Larrazet
- Social Cognition Divina Frau-Meigs
- Offshore Processes: International Perspectives on Australian Film and Television Oliver Haag
- The Translation and Reception of Multilingual Films Samuel Bréan and Jean-François Cornu
- Contemporary Screen Narratives Fabrice Lyczba
- Internet Studies in Europe Mathieu O'Neil
- Cinema and the Crossing of Frontiers, 16th SERCIA Conference Julie Assouly and Marianne Kac-Vergne
- Delphine Letort Violaine Roussel, Art vs War : les Artistes américains contre la guerre en Irak Paris : Presses de Sciences Po, 2011, 314 p.
- Elsa Grassy Kathleen Franz and Susan Smulyan (eds), Major Problems in American Popular Culture
- Boston: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2011, 496 p.
- Estelle Epinoux Carol MacKeogh, Díóg O’Connell, Documentary in a Changing State: Ireland since the 1990s Cork: Cork University Press, 2012, 176 p.
- Delphine Letort Brian A. Monahan, The Shock of the News: Media Coverage and the Making of 9/11 New York & London: New York University Press, 2010, 221 p.
Index by keyword
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