Michelle Obama Dream

Michelle Obama Dream - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Michelle Obama Dream !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori dream interpretation library !! dream interpretation red dress !! football team !! Michelle Obama dream !! prom !! quarterback !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Michelle Obama Dream ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Dream #1 - The Football Team

A football team is standing in a locker room. The players are young. Their uniforms are pure white, with blue numbers. The players all have their eyes on the quarterback, who stands above the group.
The quarterback has healthy, shiny black hair, cut a bit longer than ear length on the sides, and about collar length in the back. The quarterback has soft features and white skin. Only a sneer is on the quarterback's face. The object of the sneer is one player sitting on the bench to the right of the main group, separate and alone.
The rejected player wears the same all-white uniform. This player is a girl. She wants to play for the team. But, the quarterback does not like her.
Scene 2 is set in the school library. The female team mate sits alone at a table in the library. The quarterback is being led out of the library by the hand, by her male date, who is not shown except as a fleeting glimpse of white. The quarterback in her sparkling, glimmering red prom dress shines a large smile at the seated girl.
An announcer (without words) explains in a movie-trailer kind of voice, that now the team is going to begin to win even more as the quarterback is now passing to the girl player.
White uniforms with blue letters: This is the Kingdom of God team.
Quarterback: Christians who pray. Putting up a pass equates to "sending up" a prayer.
Rejected Girl on the team (I prayed for this, people!): Michelle Obama

The Body of Christ, the football team, has largely overlooked Michelle Obama. Instead of praying for her (passing her the ball), she has been ostracized. But, she wants to play! She is happy to be on the team.
Library scene interpretation:

Library: The people inside are people "surrounded by the Word".

Quarterback is a female: The bride of Christ is a female for an important reason. Sins transfer to the husband, not to the wife. There are only "sins of the fathers", but not "sins of the mothers". As brides to Christ (yes, even we men), our sin transfers to Jesus, the bride-groom.

Prom, not a Wedding: We are in mid-season. The wedding feast takes place after the resurrection, not now. Now, we are still running the race.

Teenagers, not Adults: The Body is not yet fully mature. (As shown by the lack of unity on the team.)

Beautiful red dress: Covered by the blood of Christ.

Dream #2- Michelle Obama in a Limousine

The second dream focuses on Michelle Obama.
The scene begins as a large number of well-dressed men and ladies enter the main seating area of a limousine. One of the last to enter is the littler Obama daughter.
There are three or four ongoing conversations. They are loud as the groups attempt to be heard in the contest of sound. Someone turns on a radio. Barack Obama is talking about a product he is promoting.
The daughter asks, "Mommy, when we get home can I ...(something)." Michelle answers, "Maybe."
I wonder what Michelle thinks of the product Barack is promoting on the radio. But, I see she is not listening. Instead, she heard her daughter's small voice above the cacophony of the main area of the limousine. Michelle is seated in the front passenger seat. She is leaning into her right palm. Her thumb and fingers massage her temple and forehead.
In that moment, I feel concerned for her. I ask, "Are you alright?"
She motions with her left hand, in a circular motion about her head. "I just...," she says, "have all this."

This second dream can really be better understood in conjunction with the first dream: Christians are not praying for Michelle.
The second dream is this: It shows us for what we should pray.
(Again, I prayed for this interpretation- the only way to interpret any dream or vision or anything at all.)
Michelle is burdened with too many thought processes. She needs to delegate some of the things she does to staffers. She needs to yield her decision making to the Holy Spirit; currently, she processes and analyzes, and weights factors to reason a course of action. Even when her daughter asks to do something, she says only, "Maybe." She needs to reduce her responsibilities and receive- without doubts -the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
She needs to spend more time with her daughters. The children are not neglected- this is to satisfy her need to be a mother. The Holy Spirit says, "She is a mother." Spending more time with her daughters will satisfy her heart.
So, Saints, these are our first three objectives to pray for Michelle Obama:
1. To delegate some responsibilities, and lighten her load.
2. For relief from ponderous decisions- by seeking the Holy Spirit's wisdom.
3. For more time with her daughters (and more love, unity, joy, and laughter in those relationships).
May our Father in Heaven mightily bless those who receive this word and pray.

Some Scriptures

In the few days prior to receiving these dreams on April 8th, 2012, I opened my Bible several times and read scriptures that pertained to praying for leaders, and related matters.

"I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, [and] giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and [for] all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty." (1 Tim 2:1-2, KJV)

"But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, [even] Christ: From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love." (Eph 4:15-16, KJV)

"Take away the wicked [from] before the king, and his throne shall be established in righteousness." (Pro 25:5, KJV)

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