Comparing politician signatures with Greek and Hebrew Letters

Comparing politician signatures with Greek and Hebrew Letters - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Comparing politician signatures with Greek and Hebrew Letters !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori Australia !! China !! France !! Greek !! Hebrew !! UK !! USA !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Comparing politician signatures with Greek and Hebrew Letters ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Recently I've noticed that many politicians of high importance have Greek and Hebrew letters in their signatures. This is what I've noticed: 


Barack Obama: The 'O' is a 'phi'.
George W. Bush: The last two letters resemble the Hebrew letters: 'kof' and 'shin'.
Joe Biden: The ‘e’ looks like the cursive Hebrew ‘gimel’ and ‘B’ looks like a ‘kof’.  
Mitt Romney: The double 't' resembles the Greek letter ‘pi’ and ‘R’ resembles a stylised version of the Hebrew letter ‘he’.
UK –
Tony Blair: The ‘B’ resembles the Greek letter ‘beta’ and ‘l’ resembles the cursive Hebrew letter ‘tzadik’.
Prince William, Duke of Cambridge: The ‘w’ resembles the Greek letter (lower case) ‘upsilon’ and ‘y’ resembles a stretched out cursive Hebrew ‘bet’.
France – 
François Hollande: The top of the signature resembles the Greek letter ‘pi’ and the two 'l' look like two ‘tzadik’-s. 
François Fillon: The 'O' looks like the Greek letter ‘phi’, ‘the second last letter in the first half of the signature resembles 'omega’ and the 'i' resembles cursive Hebrew letter ‘gimel’.
Nicolas Sarkozy: The 'N' resembles the cursive Hebrew letter ‘chet’ and the 'l' and 'S' resemble two ‘pe’-s. 
China – 
Hu Jintao: There are the Greek letters ‘phi’ , ‘omega’, ‘tau’ in it. 

Wen Jiabao: There are the Greek letters ‘phi’, ‘omega’, ‘theta’ in it.
Australia – 
Julia Gillard: The 'u' resembles the Greek letter ‘iota’, the 'l' looks like ‘lambda’ and the 'G' resembles a ‘zeta’.
Kevin Rudd: The 'K' looks like a crooked Greek letter ‘sigma’ and the cursive Hebrew letter ‘shin’. 

If you can see more Greek or Hebrew letters in the signatures or if you want me to write one about the politicians from a country I haven't mentioned, please comment in the comment section.  

Does your signature have Greek or Hebrew letters in it? 


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