Time to Leave America: NOW

Time to Leave America: NOW - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Time to Leave America: NOW !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori dream interpretation !! flood !! flood dream meaning !! fruit tree dream meaning !! fruit trees !! green bushes !! when to leave america !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Time to Leave America: NOW ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Friends & Neighbors,

I sincerely hope you carefully consider the dreams and the message I am about to share with you.

Last week, my wife and I moved from America to Europe. For years, I prayed the Lord would give me a $10,000 month as a signal of when I should leave. This happened in the first 10 days of November this year. That is more than 3 times my average monthly income! However, our spirits were already moved to prepare. Throughout September and October, we prepared our hearts and our home for a move.

We left on November 20th. There were many small miracles in how we sold our belongings and found an amazingly inexpensive means to ship the belongings we chose to keep.

Moving the Fruit Trees, Dream #1
November 30, 2012

I am in the house I grew up in. My step-father is there. It is now the very early hours of the morning. He is showing me his work. All night long, he has been working. The house is about to be lost to another, who is coming to take possession. However, the plants are not part of the contract. So, he worked all through the night to remove the fruit trees and green bushes he planted in the back yard during the time he owned the house.

He shows me pictures of each and every plant. He photographed each one, how he removed it and bundled the roots. I scroll through all the images. As the pictures progress, the lighting changes from day to dusk and then to night. Picture after picture of plants carefully dug out and transplanted to a new place are pictures taken in the night. Then, I see some of the trees under the water. And, he worked even under this flood to salvage the trees. Each of the trees dug up and bundled under water is just as carefully bundled as the trees taken in the day or during the night.

Now, I see the backyard. There are potholes in the soil all along the backyard fence where the fruit trees and bushes had been. He started on the right side, worked along the back fence, and finished toward the end of the left side. I notice one lone fruit tree on the right fence. It is a young sapling, less than 5 years old (I grew up around fruit and nut trees in California). It has no leaves, and just two small buds, in the very early stages, are apparent on it's branches. It is partially dug up, about 80% of the way around its roots. It is tilted at an angle, leaning on the fence.

I look at the last tree and think, "Jesus left that one because it did not produce any fruit."

After I woke, I prayed about the dream. This is the meaning of removing the plants and of the last tree.

Removing the fruit trees and bushes: Jesus is moving his faithful servants out of America. Fruit trees are people bringing others to Christ. Green bushes are like the mustard plant, which grows and provides for the Kingdom.

The lone tree with two buds: My personal thoughts about this tree were completely wrong. In fact, this tree sacrificed it all. Remaining, it had managed to continue producing fruit. Because it had no leaves, it was actually sacrificing its own life to nourish those two buds.

The major conclusion of the dream is several. First, Jesus will continue to remove his people out of America. Second, there will be believers yet in America before the trials begin, and even when the flood waters (God's judgment, as in the flood waters of Noah's time) come, believers will still be carefully cared for and removed by Jesus. Third, as shown by the two small buds, salvations will continue during the Tribulation and judgment coming to America and to the world.

I have a dream from several years which also provided the message of the loss of the land and yet people will continue to be permitted to come to Christ. I will edit this post soon to share that dream. It is importantto understand: contrary to arguments I have heard, there will be new salvations once the Tribulation period begins.
End dream #1

Later in the day:  I went with my wife to a meeting of entrepreneurs. As we left the apartment, I saw the sun breaking out. I knew that the day  would be sunny. Part of the dream included that the following day would be sunny and nice. No surprise at the meeting: it was mostly youth. Most of these were technophiles. And, they had basic or excellent English. As we walked out of the meeting place, the sun was fully out. I mentioned to my wife that the dream told me this day would be sunny. Then, she told me: "We have not had a day this warm on the last day of November since 1917."

The People can Still Come to Me Dream #2

Date forgotten. But, during the time of George W. Bush's presidency

I see George W. Bush sitting on the edge of cloud. Like a scolded young boy, he sits with his head low, his hands planted near his hips, and is slowly swinging his feet back and forth.

Me and a few others approach him. "What is wrong?" we ask.

George explains he made a deal. He was sure this deal would be a success. And, believing he would have success, he put up a piece of land as surety. This land belongs to all the brothers, who are all princes. Now, since the deal fell through, he must give up the land. All the princes agree this must be taken directly to the oldest brother.

Together, they walk directly to the eldest prince. I see he is Jesus.

Once the situation is explained to Jesus, he stands without saying anything. In a few strides, Jesus reaches a white building with high steps and a large throne at the plateau. The man in the seat sees Jesus coming. He cringes in the back of the seat and pushes himself to the side further from Jesus. Jesus leans toward him and says very boldly, "The land is yours. But, the people still have a right to come to me if they choose." The words are very direct and powerful.

One man, standing at the right hand side of the throne hears this from Jesus. Then, he begins to side step away from the throne. I see the man wears a jacket. The outside is a brown material. However, the inner lining is sheep skin.

End dream #2

This dream seems self evident- except that I have not heard any verification of a secret deal made by George W. Bush. Unless of course, it relates to giving away part of Jerusalem. I have heard such a deal has been made. In fact, on the same day as dream #1, the UN voted to recognize Palestine as a state. This is the second step in carving out a piece of Israel to give to the Palestinians. The first step was making the people of the world believe there is a unique people called the Palestinians, who once held a nation called Palestine. Truth is, the "Palestinians" are called that because they lived in a region called Palestine. They hailed from their native countries: Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and others. I heard the testimony of one former Hamas terrorist, who later accepted Christ. He said, "One morning we woke up, and we were no longer Lebanese. Instead, we were Palestinians."

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