RMC: Change Log

RMC: Change Log - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang RMC: Change Log !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan RMC: Change Log ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Please uninstall current the app before downgrade.

Version 6.71.918 (18 Feb 2018) Download APK
  • Fix random crash when configure google drive
  • Bug fixes
Version 6.70.878 (4 Feb 2018) Download APK
  • Fix random crash when open record detail
  • Bug fixes
Version 6.69.870 (4 Jan 2018) Download APK
  • Hot fix random crash when open app
Version 6.68.868 (1 Jan 2018) Download APK
  • New feature search by time length
  • Bug fixes
Version 6.67.850 (17 Dec 2017) Download APK
  • Update detail record swipe to dismiss
  • Bug fix crash when search on search page
Version 6.66.834 (24 Nov 2017) Download APK
  • Fix recordings not uploaded to google drive on unsorted folder
Version 6.64.830 (10 Aug 2017) Download APK
  • Fix failed upload to Dropbox (upload hourly) - Please logout and re-login if you have issue with Dropbox account
  • Bug fixes
Version 6.63.810 (7 June 2017) Download APK
  • New night mode
  • Bug fixes
Version 6.62.797 (14 May 2017) Download APK
  • Bug fix random crash when multiple select record
  • Bug fix missing recording when moved to other folder
  • Bug fixes
Version 6.61.796 (1 May 2017) Download APK
  • Bug fix request permission not shown on Nougat
  • Improve loading record detail speed
  • Bug fixes
Version 6.59.793 (12 April 2017) Download APK
  • Improve recording stability
  • Bug fixes
Version 6.58.736 (17 March 2017) Download APK
  • Improve speed to upload recordings to cloud
  • Bug fix stop player when receive call
  • Bug fixes
Version 6.57.722 (20 February 2017) Download APK
  • Bug fix crash when call ended too soon
  • Bug fix random crash when try to report issue
Version 6.56.718 (19 February 2017) Download APK
  • New feature update filename based on latest rename setting
  • Improve search recording UI
  • Bug fix out of memory if there's a lot of recordings on phone
  • Bug fixes 
Version 6.55.656 (30 January 2017) Download APK
  • Bug fix need overlay permission to show manual record
  • Bug fix random crash on filter page
  • Bug fix random stopped move home path
  • Bug fix error loading database at first launch
  • Adding cancel option when move home path
  • Bug fixes 
Version 6.53.616 (20 January 2017) Download APK
  • Improve performance when load recordings
  • Bug fix crash when ask permission on Android Marshmallow
  • Bug fix crash when play recording on some Huawei devices
  • Bug fixes 
Version 6.52.603 (14 January 2017) Download APK
  • Adding permission runtime to support Android 6.0
  • Bug fix manual record
  • Bug fixes
Version 6.51.573 (1 January 2017) Download APK
  • Bug fix randomly when open record
  • Bug fix randomly when multiple select in Hungary language
  • Bug fix randomly when open contact
  • Bug fix randomly when check Bluetooth connection
  • Bug fixes
Version 6.49.537 (25 December 2016) Download APK
  • Backup record data to csv daily
  • Bug fix overlapping record data display
  • Bug fix Dropbox / Google Drive login UI
Version 6.47.500 (5 December 2016) Download APK
  • Simplify record detail UI
  • Bug fix UI on small screen
Version 6.46.478 (23 November 2016) Download APK
  • Bug fix crash on some phone when play recording
  • Bug fix right to left UI on rename manager
  • Bug fix random crash while load recordings
Version 6.45.454 (18 November 2016) Download APK
  • Play recording via notification (background service).
  • Bug fix layout if switch to right to left language
  • Bug fix app crash when delete filter contact
Version 6.44.426 (4 November 2016) Download APK
  • Display 'Important' and 'Unsorted' folder as tabs
  • Bug fixes
Version 6.43.379 (17 October 2016) Download APK
  • Hot fix crash when login google drive
Version 6.42.377 (13 October 2016) Download APK
  • Decrease apk size
  • Bug fix search recording
Version 6.41.362 (23 August 2016) Download APK
  • Update default setting for Samsung with OS Marshmallow
Version 6.40.360 (12 July 2016) Download APK
  • Update drawer with material design support
  • Adding shortcut for trash folder
  • Bug fixes
Version 6.39.343 (03 July 2016) Download APK
  • Show file size progress on notification
  • Show amplitude voice on notification
  • Add restart function on notification
  • Bug fix check file exist on refresh
Version 6.38.313 (21 June 2016) Download APK
  • Bug fix random crash for some Jelly Bean devices
Version 6.37.301 (12 June 2016) Download APK
  • Disable loudspeaker id connected to bluetooth or headset
  • Bug fix cannot detect bluetooth connect
Version 6.36.295 (26 May 2016) Download APK
  • Bug fix crash when share recording for some phones
  • Bug fix randomly crash
  • Bug fix crash on record detail
Version 6.35.282 (24 April 2016) Download APK
  • Minor bug fixes
Version 6.34.281 (16 April 2016) Download APK
  • Adding option send report (tweak setting), please send an email with use this option if there's a problem with recording
Version 6.33.273 (2 April 2016) Download APK
  • Improve sync performance
  • Bug fixes
Version 6.32.255 (6 March 2016) Download APK
  • Bug fix track update when play recording
  • Bug fix stop recording automatically issues on some devices
Version 6.31.249 (9 February 2016) Download APK
  • Update Chinese Taiwan Language, thanks to James Huang
Version 6.30.248 (6 January 2016) Download APK
  • Improve recording speed and stability
  • Improve recording stability for Android OS pre Jelly Bean
  • Bug fix blink notification
Version 6.29.195 (26 October 2015) Download APK
  • Update Russian Language, thanks to Глеб Лазо
  • Bug fix Delete after upload if user only using Google Drive
  • Bug fixes
Version 6.28.176 (31 Augustus 2015) Download APK
  • New feature automatic delete recording after uploaded
  • Adding minus gain (decrease volume) option for MP3 format
  • Bug fixes
Version 6.27.148 (10 Augustus 2015) Download APK
  • Update checkbox animation
  • Bug fix padding list for some pre-lollipop phones
Version 6.26.145 (7 July 2015) Download APK
  • Update German translation
  • Bug fix multiple line for note
  • Bug fix crash when load contact
Version 6.25.132 (9 June 2015) Download APK
  • Backup recording to cloud every hour
  • Bug fix cannot stop recording for some phone
  • Bug fix crash when sync Google Drive
  • Bug fix crash when adding number to contact app
  • Bug fix crash when write on some LG phones
  • Bug fix crash when load contact image for some phones
Version 6.24.115 (25 May 2015) Download APK
  • Update German translation
  • Bug fix app crashed when search mode
  • Bug fix file not detected after refreshed
  • Bug fix remove ads after activate license
  • Bug fix recording shown on playlist for some music player app
Version 6.23.100 (10 May 2015) Download APK
  • Improve recording mp3 performance
  • Improve recording wav performance
  • Improve method for moving home path
  • Bug fix crash after delete on list
Version 6.22.92(30 April 2015) Download APK
  • Improve load app time
  • Improve memory usage
  • Bug fix open app in hide mode
  • Bug fixes
Version 6.21.1484 (16 March 2015)
  • Adding mp3 encoding support for Intel
  • Adding channel option (stereo)
  • Adding sample rate option
  • Adding gain option for mp3 encoder 
  • Adding bitrate option
  • Bug fixes
Version 6.20.1477 (22 February 2015) Download APK
  • Update UI for Lollipop
  • Update recording detail UI
  • Bug fix refresh contact
  • Many small bug fixes
Version 6.19.1437 (1 January 2015) Download APK
  • Bug fix play recording if home button pressed
  • Bug fix renaming with existing phone number
  • Adding 2 months option for delete trash
Version 6.18.1437 (2 November 2014)
  • Bug fix detect bluetooth connection
  • Bug fix slide up space for tablet size
  • Reduce application size 
Version 6.17.1432 (7 October 2014)
  • Adding grouping by date 
  • Bug fix lagging when open the app 
  • Bug fix randomly crash when open app
  • Bug fix randomly crash when use manual record
  • Bug fix randomly crash when open share menu
  • Bug fix randomly crash when make outgoing call
  • Bug fix randomly crash when upload to Google Drive
Version 6.16.1427 (1 October 2014)
  • New manual record implementation (movable and hideable)
  • Able to search with contact name
  • Bug fix highlight on search page
Version 6.15.1419 (14 September 2014)
  • Maximize view while scrolling
  • Bug fix stop recording if failed to stop
  • Bug fix clear trash
  • Bug fix stop recording from notification bar
  • Show contact on notification while recording (Android L)
Version 6.14.1408 (3 September 2014)
  • Support Dutch – Dutch Language: Thanks to Job Hartjes
  • Adding feature to hide application (BETA)
  • Adding option for improve call detection, mostly dual SIM cards (BETA)
  • Adding option to improve RMC by sending anonymous usage data
  • Bug fix failed to detect stop call for some phones
Version 6.13.1394 (30 July 2014)
  • Adding option to remove ads
  • Update Vietnamese language
  • Bug fix share to Evernote
Version 6.12.1390 (25 July 2014)
  • Adding boot permission to improve recording response and fix missed recording for incoming call
  • Update Portugal Brazil language
  • Bug fix only show contact with phone number on filter page
  • Bug fix wrong rename recording randomly
  • Bug fix reset setting when switch on/off service
Version 6.11.1373 (1 July 2014)
  • Update Polish language
  • Update stability call recorder
  • Bug fix could not record long time for some phones
Version 6.10.1367 (15 June 2014)
  • Adding option to change time format
  • Bug fix crash when recording form some phones
Version 6.09.1361 (7 June 2014)
  • Adding advance search
  • Adding search on trash and history
  • Adding Hindi language
  • Adding Marathi language
  • Adding Tamil language
  • Adding Telugu language
  • Update Gujarati language
  • Update Bengali language
  • Update Bahasa Indonesia
  • Bug fix reset tweak setting
  • Bug fix cannot play on external player
Version 6.08.1349 (1 June 2014)
  • Adding undo after delete recordings (Only for trash mode)
  • Adding short cut to on/off service at drawer
  • Bug fix connect with Google Drive at the first time
  • Bug fix file renaming for private call
  • Bug fix backup / restore
  • Bug fix display contact does not work properly
  • Update Traditional Chinese language
Version 6.07.1338 (23 May 2014)
  • Adding 24 hour format option
  • Adding shortcut to review setting from review page menu (Setting->Recording).
  • Bug fix unresponsive list
  • Bug fix entering app with passcode
  • Bug fix retrieve contact name when refreshed
Version 6.06.1333 (19 May 2014)
  • Bug fix crash when first install for some phones
Version 6.05.1332 (19 May 2014)
  • Adding choose option when connected to headset / Bluetooth
  • Adding tutorial if call failed
  • Bug fixes
Version 6.04.1326 (13 May 2014)
  • New feature upload manual recording from recording detail
  • New feature show note when search text
  • Remove popup at the end of conversation if notification unchecked
  • Update Czech language
  • Update Melayu language
  • Bug fix show note if ‘Show Complete Info’ checked
  • Bug fix upload to Google Drive by adding more permission
  • Bug fix out of memory when open recording detail
Version 6.03.1321 (10 May 2014)
  • Bug fix crash when open recording detail for some phones
Version 6.02.1320 (8 May 2014)
  • Bug fix manual button disappear when accept incoming call
  • Bug fix uncheck call type for renaming
  • Adding compact view for review
Version 6.01.1318 (5 May 2014)
  • Bug fix crash when open setting
  • Bug fix crash when change home path
  • Bug fix crash when load image contact
Version 6.00.1316 (3 May 2014)
  • Only available for ICS and above
  • New user interface and theme
  • New option passcode
  • New option manual recording from notification bar
  • New built in file browser for home path
  • New option to cleanup unsorted folder
  • And many more…
Version 5.61.1248 (23 April 2014) Download APK
  • Adding option increase volume during call
Version 5.60.1247 (15 April 2014) Download APK
  • Bug fix Avast false alarm on latest update
Version 5.59.1246 (14 April 2014) Download APK
  • Bug fix cannot stop recording from notification for ICS
  • Bug fix change language does not need to restart the phone
  • Improve stop recording time
Version 5.58.1245 (4 April 2014) Download APK
  • Bug fix dismiss manual record after call end
Version 5.57.1244 (1 April 2014) Download APK
  • Improve stop recording speed for short call
Version 5.56.1243 (28 March 2014) Download APK
  • Bug fix Avast false alarm (again)
  • Bug fix Kaspersky false alarm
Version 5.55.1241 (25 March 2014) Download APK
  • Bug fix Avast false alarm
Version 5.54.1240 (22 March 2014) Download APK
  • Bug fix freezing when recording for some phones
  • Improve notification user interface
  • Reduce the app size
Version 5.53.1238 (19 March 2014) Download APK
  • Improve recording speed
Version 5.52.1236 (15 March 2014) Download APK
  • Bug fix automatic delete trash
  • Bug fix review does not show sometimes
Version 5.51.1234 (9 March 2014) Download APK
  • Improving speed to stop recording
Version 5.50.1232 (5 March 2014) Download APK
  • Bug fix recording does not stop automatically for some phones
Version 5.49.1231 (4 March 2014) Download APK
  • Bug fix crash with pre ICS
Version 5.48.1230 (3 March 2014) Download APK
  • Bug fix not record outgoing call for some phones
Version 5.47.1229 (3 February 2014) Download APK
  • Bug fix error recording when using special character
  • Replace * with x on file name to avoid error copying to computer
Version 5.46.1228 (28 January 2014) Download APK
  • Bug fix crash randomly when open the app for some phones
Version 5.45.1226 (26 January 2014) Download APK
  • Support Czech – Čeština Language: Thanks to Petr Hovorka
  • Bug fixes
Version 5.44.1223 (19 January 2014) Download APK
  • Bug fix crash interactive manual record for some phones
  • Bug fix crash after review for some phones
  • Bug fixes
Version 5.43.1221 (14 January 2014) Download APK
  • Support Gujarati - ગુજરાતી Language
  • Adding interactive manual record
  • Bug fixes
Version 5.42.1215 (5 January 2014) Download APK
  • Adding option upload unsorted folder to Google Drive 
  • Bug fix option recording special character
Version 5.41.1213 (29 December 2013) Download APK
  • Adding option upload unsorted folder to Dropbox
  • Adding folder transition animation
  • Improve recording speed
Version 5.40.1208 (22 December 2013) Download APK
  • Bug fix crash on manual record 
  • Bug fix trash auto delete
Version 5.39.1207 (14 December 2013) Download APK
  • Bug fix renaming outgoing call 
  • Bug fix not upload to Dropbox
Version 5.38.1203 (8 December 2013) Download APK
  • Improve call recording stability 
  • Bug fix not recording outgoing / incoming for some phone
Version 5.37.1197 (1 December 2013) Download APK
  • Bug fix crash when load photo
  • Bug fix crash when move equalizer
Version 5.36.1195 (23 November 2013) Download APK
  • Bug fix not record with special character
  • Bug fix crash when open internal player
Version 5.35.1190 (17 November 2013) Download APK
  • Bug fix crash when play recording
  • Bug fix manual button covering dial pad
  • Bug fix crash on search for Lithuania language
  • Bug fix crash on display Google drive account
  • Bug fix crash when the phone does not support mp3 encoder
  • Bug fix random error when get contact photo
  • Updating Macedonian language
Version 5.34.1186 (11 November 2013) Download APK
  • Adding external player option (for ICS and above)
  • Adding phone number as rename option
  • Adding READ_GSERVICES permission to avoid crash sync Google Drive for some phones
  • Bug fixes
Version 5.323.1181 (5 November 2013) Download APK
  • Adding missed patch
Version 5.32.1180 (5 November 2013) Download APK
  • Quick fix for pre ICS Android version
Version 5.31.1179 (4 November 2013) Download APK
  • Support Macedonia - Македонски Language: Thanks to DennyMK
  • Bug fixes
Version 5.30.1174 (24 October 2013) Download APK
  • Remove unused library
  • Improve share multiple recordings ui
  • Bug fixes
Version 5.28.1145 (12 October 2013) Download APK
  • Support Lithuanian – Lietuvių Language: Thanks to Virginijus Griežė
  • Remove call permission
  • Move manual recording to lower
  • Improve services performance
  • Bug fixes
Version 5.27.1134 (5 October 2013) Download APK
  • Adding internal player with equalizer
  • Bug fix display null when moved to external sd-card for some phones
  • Improve stability when low memory
  • Bug fixes
Version 5.26.1129 (28 September 2013) Download APK
  • Adding account info for Dropbox and Google Drive
  • Fixing decimal error for some language
  • Revert manual home path for some phones
  • Bug fixes
Version 5.25.1125 (21 September 2013) Download APK
  • Improve cloud sync
  • Fixing korean language
  • Improve compact review layout
  • Bug fixes
Version 5.24.1121 (15 September 2013) Download APK
  • Support Bengali - বাংলা Language: Thanks to Md. Farhan Hossain Riyad
  • Adding services indicator
  • Improve moving home path to external storage
  • Improve auto recording stability
  • Improve Google Drive and Dropbox Sync
  • Bug fixes
Version 5.23.1106 (8 September 2013) Download APK
  • New recording history feature
  • New Ignore contact from recording detail
  • Adding label for search and recording history
  • Update Slovenia language
  • Bug fixes
Version 5.22.1101 (1 September 2013) Download APK
  • Add unknown number to contact 
  • Improve contact integration
  • Update Korean language 
  • Bug fixes
Version 5.21.1098 (24 August 2013) Download APK
  • Bug fixing for speaker mode trigger 
  • Fixing misspelled for Malayalam language
  • Bug fixes
Version 5.20.1095 (18 August 2013) Download APK
  • Support Malayalam - മലയാളം Language: Thanks to Rahul VIjay
  • Fixing misspelled for Arabic language
  • Bug fixes
Version 5.19.1091 (12 August 2013) Download APK
  • Adding move multiple recordings feature
  • Adding recording info feature
  • Adding new tweaks option trigger loudspeaker
  • Support Finnish (Suomi) Language: Thanks to Janne Lohilahti
  • Support Arabic - العربية Language: Thanks to Mohammed abd el salam
  • Bug fixes

Version 5.18.1083 (2 August 2013) Download APK
  • Bug fix crash when open dropbox on pre-ICS phones
  • Improve stability when call for long time
  • Improve popup menu on filter section

Version 5.17.1080 (26 July 2013) Download APK
  • Support Ukrainian Language: Thanks to Andrii Pitukh
  • Support Traditional Chinese Language: Thanks to James Huang
  • Support Spanish Language: Thanks to Christian Acosta
  • Bug fix randomly crash when view info on some phones
  • Bug fix randomly crash when using manual record on some phones

  • Support pre-ICS again due to many requests

  • Version 5.16.1071 (26 July 2013) Download APK
    • Support Bulgarian Language: Thanks to Nikolay Raychev
    • Bug fix randomly crash when exit on some phones
    Version 5.15.1068 (21 July 2013) Download APK
    • Adding translator credit for every language on info page
    • Adding bluetooth permission to avoid crash when using bluetooth headset for some phones
    • Bug fix service not killed after call finished
    • Bug fix crash when sign in on Google Drive for some phones

    Version 5.14.1060 (17 July 2013) Download APK
    • Support Chinese Language: Thanks to Tom Shen
    • Support Italian Language: Thanks to Nicola
    • Support Malay Language: Thanks to AnNamir
    • More fixes on rename page 
    • More fixes for RTL language
    • More stable recorder state
    • Cancel recording from main app
    • More bug fixes
    Version 5.13.1047 (12 July 2013) Download APK
    Version 5.12.1040 (7 July 2013) Download APK
    • Support Russia Language: Thanks to Iarosenco Oleg
    • Support Portuguese (Brazilian) Language: Thanks to Fabio Sousa
    • Improve performance for view record detail
    • Bug fix for some phone when return to main page
    • Reduce app size
    Version 5.11.1035 (2 July 2013) Download APK
    • Support only ICS and above
    • Bug fixes
    Version 5.10.1034 (30 June 2013) this will be the latest support for pre ICS - Download APK
    • Support Vietnamese Language: Thanks to Trần Thanh Bình
    • Support Swedish Language: Thanks to Alexandra K
    • Using highlight for multiple select
    • Bug fixes
    Version 5.09.1027 (26 June 2013) Download APK
    Version 5.08.1019 (19 June 2013) Download APK
    • Support Danish (Denmark) Language. Thanks to Tom Rausner
    • Support French Language. Thanks to Tony Content
    • Support Germany Language. Thanks to Matthias Oberhollenzer
    • Support Israel (Hebrew) Language. Thanks to Gadi Oron
    • Support Polish Language. Thanks to Adam Pienczykowski
    • Bug fixes
    Version 5.07.1008 (15 June 2013) Download APK
    • Support Indonesia language. Thanks to Louise
    • One click to delete on review
    • Fixing share with other apps
    • Bug fixes
    Version 5.06.1002 (7 June 2013) Download APK
    • Support Magyar (Hungarian) Language. Thanks to Berenji Péter
    • Bug fixes
    Version 5.05.994 (1 June 2013) Download APK
    • Directly delete recording in trash mode 
    • Adding translation option
    • More bug fixes
    Version 5.04.985 (25 May 2013) Download APK
    • Adding highlight for search
    • Adding more option for review 
    • More bug fixes
    Version 5.03.981 (17 May 2013) Download APK
    • Adding manual recording
    • Adding Google Drive (Beta)
    • More bug fixes
    Version 5.02.968 (14 May 2013) Download APK
    • Adding more search option
    • Bug fix setting page display 
    • Bug fix when record out of memory
    • More bug fixes
    Version 5.01.949 (9 May 2013) Download APK
    • Adding search option
    • Adding option to record number with special character (* and # )
    • Separate database setting
    • Bug fixes
    Version 5.00.931 (5 May 2013) Download APK
    • Redesign most user interface
    • Integrated with Dropbox
    • Adding extra data (call type, notes, etc)
    • Disabled Nexiwave features
    • A lot of bug fixes
    Version 4.54.875 (26 April 2013) Download APK
    • Bug fix crash when open filter (for pre honeycomb)
    • More responsive sliding menu
    • Disable Nexiwave login (will be removed soon)
    Version 4.53.865 (24 April 2013) Download APK
    • Bug fix crash when open filter (for some phones)
    Version 4.52.863 (21 April 2013) Download APK
    • Bug fix crash when open filter
    • Notify when available disk size limited
    • Adding force stop record service
    Version 4.51.857 (19 April 2013) Download APK
    • Bug fix renaming file
    • Bug fix indexing files
    Version 4.50.846 (31 March 2013) Download APK
    • New feature turn speakerphone
    • New feature hide recordings
    • Bug fix crash on renaming
    Version 4.49.842 (29 March 2013) Download APK
    • Avoid recording USSD code
    Version 4.48.839 (16 March 2013) Download APK
    • Bug fixes
    Version 4.47.831 (23 February 2013) Download APK
    • Move installation to internal phone
    Version 4.46.830 (17 February 2013) Download APK
    • Bug fix notification error
    Version 4.45.829 (12 February 2013) Download APK
    • Improve rename manage
    • Bug fix
    Version 4.44.824 (9 February 2013) Download APK
    • Bug fix
    Version 4.43.823 (3 February 2013) Download APK
    • New feature record when service killed
    • Bug fix
    Version 4.42.820 (27 January 2013) Download APK - Stable for HTC
    • Bug fix ending notification
    • Bug fix outgoing call for some  HTC phones
    Version 4.41.816 (24 January 2013) Download APK
    • Bug fixes
    Version 4.40.815 (19 January 2013) Download APK - Stable (Not for some HTC phones)
    • Bug fixes
    Version 4.39.814 (12 January 2013) Download APK - Unstable
    • Adding backup option
    • Bug fixes
    Version 4.38.812 (1 January 2013) Download APK - Stable
    • Stop recording from notification
    • Improve recording algorithm
    • Bug fixes
    Version 4.37 (24 December 2012) Download APK
    • Adding option to change saving location
    • Bug fixes
    Version 4.36 (22 November 2012) Download APK
    • Adding READ_CALL_LOG permission for Jelly Bean
    • Adding new trick option 'Record when connected'
    • Bug fixes
    Version 4.35 (3 November 2012) Download APK 
    • Latest version that able to record for more than roughly 30 minutes without separating recording (pre-ICS)
    • Adding date section
    Version 4.34 (27 October 2012) Download APK
    • Adding access to dashboard list to menu
    • Fixing error access to database
    Version 4.33 (9 October 2012) Download APK
    • Minor Bug fixes
    Version 4.32 (22 September 2012) Download APK
    • Fixing checkbox error after delete multiple recordings
    • Fixing Nexiwave login error
    • Fixing failed renaming on ICS
    Version 4.31 (20 August 2012) Download APK
    • Show checkbox only on edit mode
    • Bug fixes
    Version 4.3 (5 August 2012) Download APK
    • New UI (ICS style)
    • Lot of bug fixes
    Version 4.22 (19 July 2012) Download APK
    • Bug fix dialog crash when open app
    Version 4.21 (16 July 2012) Download APK
    • Bug fix upload records to nexiwave
    Version 4.2 (5 July 2012) Download APK
    • Adding transcript support for Nexiwave
    Version 4.11 (24 May 2012) Download APK
    • Minor Bug Fix
    Version 4.1 (16 May 2012) Download APK
    • Improve Performance
    • Improve UI
    Version 4.05 (5 May 2012) Download APK
    • Bugfix randomly crash
    Version 4.03 (3 May 2012) Download APK
    • Bugfix for error on version 4.02
    Version 4.02 (2 May 2012) Download APK
    • Minor bug fixes
    Version 4.01 (1 May 2012) Download APK
    • Minor bug fixes
    Version 4.0 (28 April 2012) Download APK
    • Adding mp3 format
    • Adding rename button on compact review screen
    Version 3.91 (25 April 2012)
    • Bug fix broken link to main app
    Version 3.9 (21 April 2012)
    • Implementing pager
    • Bug fixes
    Version 3.8 (10 April 2012)
    • Adding big button option on review
    • More bug fixes
    Version 3.76 (4 April 2012)
    • Bug fix failed open for some phones
    Version 3.75 (11 March 2012)
    • Minor bug fixes
    Version 3.74 (3 March 2012)
    • Bug fix random crash
    Version 3.73 (22 February 2012)
    • Adding reset trick preference
    • Minor bugs fixes
    Version 3.72 (22 February 2012)
    • Minor bugs fixes
    Version 3.71 (19 February 2012)
    • Adding database error alert
    • Improving performance
    • Bug fix
    Version 3.7 (15 February 2012)
    • Adding option to choose audio source (tricks)
    • Layouts fix
    • Bug fix
    Version 3.6 (17 December 2011)
    • New dashboard layout
    • New animation
    • Exclude recording from Music app
    • Bug fix
    Version 3.52 (10 December 2011)
    • Bug fix for non English contact name
    Version 3.51 (2 December 2011)
    • Bug fix save record failed because of special characters
    Version 3.5 (13 November 2011)
    • Enhance icons
    • Bug fixes
    Version 3.4 (12 October 2011) Download APK*
    • New feature, filter. Now with this function, you do not have to record all incoming and outgoing call
    • Reducing size
    • Bug fixes
    Version 3.3 (10 August 2011)
    • New feature, rename manager
    • Really sorry for the last update, there was a technical mistake
    Version 3.2 (5 August 2011)
    • Doesn't need to install on phone to start on boot anymore
    • More stable recording service
    • Bug fixes
    Version 3.11 (27 July 2011)
    • Bug fixes
    Version 3.1 (8 July 2011)
    • New feature: 'search'
    • A better Nexiwave integration
    • Improving performances
    Version 3.01 (24 June 2011)
    • Bug fixes (crash when browse trash for some phones)
    Version 3.0 (17 June 2011)
    • Support delete to trash (Prevent Deleting File Accidentally)
    Version 2.91 (10 June 2011)
    • Bug fixes (Crash when browse files - some phones)
    Version 2.9 (6 June 2011)
    • Bug fixes (locked mic)
    Version 2.81 (3 June 2011)
    • Bug fixes (Crash on Dashboard)
    Version 2.8 (3 June 2011)
    • Bug fixes (Force close randomly)
    • Reduce the app size
    Version 2.7 (27 May 2011)
    • Attach multiple files to an e-mail
    Version 2.6 (20 May 2011)
    • Add shortcut turn on-off to the main app
    • Bug fixes (Crash all the time)
    Version 2.51 (15 May 2011)
    • Bug fix (support big screen)
    Version 2.5 (13 May 2011)
    • New layout
    • Bug fixes
    Version 2.4 (29 April 2011)
    • Minor bug fixes
    • Update icons
    Version 2.31 (19 February 2011)
    • Bug fixing for delete multiple files
    Version 2.3 (18 February 2011)
    • New Popup option for recorded list
    Version 2.2 (11 February 2011)
    • Delete multiple files
    • New Interface implemented (Including icon set from www.iconeden.com)
    Version 2.11 (24 December 2010)
    • Bug fix (Share File)
    Version 2.1 (17 December 2010)
    • Better Renaming FIle (Contact Person Name)
    Version 2.0 (10 December 2010)
    • Nexiwave supported (search within your conversation)
    • Adding delay before recording
    • An option to prevent phone from sleep
    • Faster browser
    Version 1.6 (5 November 2010)
    • Prevent phone from sleep during a call
    • reduce tab size to get more space
    Version 1.5 (22 October 2010)
    • Support WAV (uncompressed) format
    Version 1.4 (24 September 2010)
    • Change audio format (AMR/MP4 /3GP)
    • Auto delete before a certain time
    • App2SD
    Version 1.31 (17 September 2010)
    • Creating file issue fixed
    Version 1.3 (10 September 2010)
    • Long click to popup options
    • Add option to send recorded file
    • Add option to rename
    • Several bug fixes
    Version 1.2 (3 September 2010)
    • Add file browser
    • Several bug fixes
    Version 1.1 (28 August 2010)
    • Add review after call
    • Start on boot
    • Faster algorithm
    Version 1.0 (18 August 2010)
    • Initial release
    • Record every conversation incoming and outgoing call.

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