Mali in the City Auction - Photo Blog

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Two months ago, the Melbourne Zoo placed elephants that resemble Mali, their new baby elephant around Melbourne City. You can read about it here

After a couple months of street exhibitions, the Zoo Committee auctioned 50 elephants to Mali supporters, interested parties affiliated with the Zoo. This was a great night and here is my experience of it:

Mali's Self-Portrait
Eltham Copper Butterfly Story
Bromley Two
Mali paintings
Paintings of the Mali elephants

I met Pippa Makgill, the artist who painted
the Spooky Possum Mali 
Spooky Possum Mali

The cutest picture of a koala I've seen

Pippa's Spooky Possum Mali will be on display at Luna Park, Melbourne along with Kevin Presley Mali. 
If you want to see more of Pippa's art, go to these links below:

Spooky Possum Mali
Pippa Makgill's website
Pippa Makgill's blog

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