Raspberry Jam - 14/07/2012

Raspberry Jam - 14/07/2012 - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Raspberry Jam - 14/07/2012 !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Raspberry Jam - 14/07/2012 ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

So Cambridge Raspberry Jam has been and gone and it's been over a week since I updated the blog with my conclusion!  Well, it was as expected although there were a few surprises!  The first being was the sure enthusiasm for the Pi!  There were literally cheers and laughs all over, it was a really buzzing event!

Both Eben and Liz Upton (PR) were there to answer questions, actually I got my free Raspberry Pi sticker directly from Eben whilst he was distributing them to the registration staff.  The event took place at William Gates Computer Laboratory building in Cambridge so nice and local to me.  There were around 250 people, and about 98% of those were men, ha!

The first interesting piece of kit on display was PiFace, it's an add-on board which enables control of stepper motors, LED's and other such gadgets through the Pi.  They can do some really cool stuff with this, one of these that caught my attention in particular is called Twitter Chicken which is a robotic chicken which speaks out new twitter tweets using text to speech!  It's really funny, check out the video link above!

Another thing I noted down was a chap called Liam Fraser who is a young guy (early 20's?) who's hosting a lot of the Raspberry Pi SD images.  He's main 'claim to fame' though is the Raspberry Pi tutorials which he's been uploading on YouTube.  These are particularly useful for the less nerdy type geek such as myself as they make it clear and simple!

Finallly, one last thing which got my all excited and patriotic was the announcement of RiscOS for Pi.  In case any of you don't know, RiscOS is the operating system developed for Acorn computers.  Since Castle Technology now own RiscOS, they have been working to develop a new hardware platform for it for some time.  Over time and even up to very recently they have tried to create their own piece of hardware to support RiscOS without much success.  However, they have now decided to latch onto the success of Raspberry Pi combined with the free open source code to get the project running again.  To me, this is something I'd love to be involved in, more blogs regarding this to come!!

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