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How to Break Demonic Dreams
(This post is an excerpt from the book HOW TO STOP HAVING NIGHTMARES.)
(This post is an excerpt from the book HOW TO STOP HAVING NIGHTMARES.)
This question was sent to my Youtube channel, knowjesusknowpeace:
"The Nightmare" by John Henry Fuseli |
My sister has Satanic dreams almost every night. She says she doesn't have good dreams. Either it's a Satanic dream or she doesn't dream at all. How can she stop this on-going cycle?
This question challenges all dreamers from every philosophical and theological position. Two main actions to break demonic dreams immediately come to mind.
Before discussing either of these solutions, root causes of demonic dreams should be understood.
Not understanding the cause of nightmares or demonic dreams does not reduce the effectiveness of the following advice. You can skip the 'Causes' section if you wish.
Before discussing either of these solutions, root causes of demonic dreams should be understood.
Not understanding the cause of nightmares or demonic dreams does not reduce the effectiveness of the following advice. You can skip the 'Causes' section if you wish.
Causes of Demonic Dreams
- Satan and demons attack without cause or justification. Sometimes the best course is to “resist the devil”, as James, the brother of Jesus, tells us. The full statement is, “Obey God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7) So, James is prescribing a two-part remedy. First, obey God. Second, resist the devil. Obeying God means obeying His commandments. You can find those at Exodus 20:3-17. With man, it is not possible to obey these commands. Even years of success fail with just one infraction. However, "with God, all things are possible". A common misunderstanding in the church is the interpretation of "grace". Grace is not a free pass to wanton sin. Grace is the power, in God, to overcome the world.
- A second cause of demonic dreams is a family curse. If your great-great-great grand-pappy sold moonshine and that ‘shine was poisonous, he knew it and sold it anyway… and someone perished, this can be cause for a family curse. Modern science recognizes the effect of family curses. Science calls it “genetic traits”. They don’t really understand the cause, they just see the effects and create the best explanation they can within their philosophical limitations. If your sister and your mother or father, or some other blood relatives have also suffered demonic dreams, the likely cause is a generational curse. If the same malady or disease follows your family generation to generation, pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal the cause to you, and to teach you how to break it permanently. The process of breaking curses is called deliverance. Look up Win Worley, Derek Prince, and William Lau for a lot of free audio and video instruction.
- The third major origin of demonic attack is ownership or possession of cursed items. A cursed item basically serves as a welcome mat to demons. A preacher in New York in 2010 told a story of casting out a “demon of Karate” from a doctor. She had delivered him the previous year from the same spirit. He repented and quit martial arts. However, the demon manifested a year later in extreme outbursts of anger and displays of great strength (he lifted a massive, solid oak table with no effort). The root cause: he had kept his training gi and black belt displayed in a glass case in the office of his medical practice. Once the last vestiges were discarded, and a second renunciation made, the man was set free. Some common anchors for demonic activity are rock music CDs, trance music, Buddha statues (even tiny ones), drug paraphernalia, and otherwise harmless items with demons or demonic symbols drawn onto them (Pokemon, for example). Holding a demonic item in your home grants access to demons the way an invitation to a vampire allows him inside the home. (In the movies, yes, but the principle is the same.)
- A fourth cause can be an unrighteous activity of the tormented person. The person being tormented by demonic dreams may be doing something that forms a wrong lifestyle. It can be as simple as gossiping or as violent as working for an abortion clinic. Even verbally supporting abortion is enough for a demon to claim a right. Derek Prince once cast out a spirit of murder from a woman. The demon's claim against her was the woman's one-time verbal approval to her neighbor, who then had an abortion. An unrighteous activity right can be speech, action, or both.
- Another cause of demonic activity results from wrong associations. People who regularly spend time with murderers expose themselves to the very real risk of becoming a murderer. The same goes for hanging out with the sexually immoral, those who use vulgar speech, thieves, drug users, and other unsavory types. An audio recording of Win Worley in the 1980’s explains how he cast out a demon of “mind control” from a young man. The youth had never practiced mind control himself. However, he had two friends who did dabble in it briefly. Though he rejected their offer to teach him what they knew, the demon claimed a right because the young man continued his friendships with the two who taught themselves mind control. Proverbs 13:20 "He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed."
How to Break Demonic Dreams
Breaking a string of demonic dreams sometimes is instantaneous. Other times, days of prayer and effort seem to yield no results. However, the following techniques have been shown to break demonic dreams:
- Cease performing any wrong or immoral activity. You can remove gossip from your life, for example, if every time you hear some bad info on someone, you insist on praying for them. This worked for me! The next time a gossiper stops you to download the 4-1-1 on Mary from the soup kitchen, say, “Oh, that devil sure is hitting our friend hard. Let’s pray for Mary!” Start the prayer immediately while gossipy Sue stares in amazement. This is super effective!
- Break unhealthy relationships. Your friends who play Dungeons and Dragons must go. Those high school buddies who smoke pot and sell uppers- they are a spiritual curse in your life. All your girlfriends that go to nightclubs for one-night stand hook-ups, they are anchors of unhealthy relationship spirits.
- Search your home for demonic icons or anything that a demon would claim is unholy. When I did this, I literally searched drawer by drawer and box by box. I made several trips to a dumpster with boxes and boxes of books, toys, cards, things with strange images, questionable music and movie CDs. I worked most of a day, through the night, and into the early hours of the morning. If I had a doubt about an item, out it went. Even after all the intense work and organization of that night, the next two times I moved, I still found a few more items to exorcise from my life.
Even after all this, a demon might remain. They sometimes claim an unrepentant heart. To defeat this final stand, repent. Apologize to God for the unhealthy things, and set your will to never return to them.
Finally, command every evil spirit that entered your life because of any of the old things to be gone. “Go, and do not return.” No need to yell. God gave us power over these spirits. Command them like you would order a well-trained dog.
For more information on how to pray to defeat demonic action, visit and listen to the free 60-minute video teaching. William Lau covers a lot of scripture in just one hour. He lays out a comparison of how we were taught to pray in church versus how the apostles and Jesus prayed to cast out sickness and demons.
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Jesus commands "Legion" to come out of a man who could break iron chains. |
No matter who you are, or what religion you claim on government forms, make a clear, unequivocal statement, “I do NOT want these dreams. I command all sources of dark dreams to be gone, remove themselves from my place of sleeping, and to depart immediately, and never return.”
This post is an excerpt from the book HOW TO STOP HAVING NIGHTMARES.
This post is an excerpt from the book HOW TO STOP HAVING NIGHTMARES.
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