What Percentage of People Dream in Color?

What Percentage of People Dream in Color? - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang What Percentage of People Dream in Color? !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori audio only dreams !! black and white !! Cartoon dream !! dreams in color !! poll !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan What Percentage of People Dream in Color? ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

What Percentage of People Dream in Color?

This dream teaching blog has run a poll in the left margin for most of its existence. Let’s discuss the results of these polls. First, please realize that these are not exactly “scientific” polls and must admit to some bias. First, those visiting this blog are more active and interested in dreams than most others. Second, by choosing to read this blog, visitors are obviously more intelligent and possess greater class than those who read other blogs. So, there is a fair scientific dissenting commentary for the following poll results.

The poll asked “Do you dream (mostly) in:” and four options were given from which to choose. These options are: color, black & white, cartoon, and “audio only”. Here are the results of 114 respondents over a period of more than a year (Thank you to everyone who participated!):

Color: 105
Black & white: 7
Cartoon: 1
Audio only: 1

Total: 114

So, those who dream in color are in the majority: 92.1%. However, it is interesting that 7 people dream in black & white. This means 6.1% of the cool, wonderful people who visit this blog dream mostly in black & white. Those who dream mostly in cartoon or who dream only in audio are unique. Less than 1%, or just 0.88% of our respondents dream in these two ways.

There may be even other ways in which people dream. I listed the four above options because I have had examples of these formats in my own dreaming. An interesting note is this: after blogging about dreams in cartoon, I had two more dreams in cartoon in the following two weeks. If you have never dreamed in one or more of the above formats, perhaps, after reading this post, you will!

For an update on the statistics see a later post: What Percent of People Dream in Color?

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