Dream of Fear: the Shark and the Dolphin

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Dream of Fear: the Shark and the Dolphin

Dreams came to me on a regular basis after being saved in a dream. However, many dreams came to me prior to that major event in November, 1993.

One of the early dreams addressed the topic of fear. This remained a major issue even up to 2002. By March of 2003, when I deployed to Kuwait for Operation Iraqi Freedom, fear no longer held influence. It makes a try, but faith always overcomes it- easily.

Dream of Shark and Dolphin

Sometime in the summer of 1991, I dreamed this dream:

Standing on a beach, I hear some people yelling. I look over toward them, attempting to discern their words, which fade beneath the noise of a strong wind and the surf rolling into the beach. Some in bathing suits and swim trunks point out at the waves. “Shark!” I hear someone yell. “Shark!”, I hear again.

Peering into the distant waves, where the water begins rising to form waves, I see a glimpse of something. Was it a fin? I couldn’t tell.

Then, in the dream, I hear a voice say, “It is not really a shark. It is a dolphin. If you don’t have fear, you will swim out. If you are not afraid, you can swim with the dolphin.”

In the dream, I do not swim out.


Dream Manifests

The next morning, I woke and sat up, pondering the dream. After a minute, the phone rang. My sister invited me to go to the beach. I normally don’t care for the beach at all. But, one of her cute friends, Toni, was going, so I agreed.

At Santa Cruz, sometime just before mid day, I heard the calls and warnings, “Shark! Get out of the water!” There was no lifeguard. The beachgoers themselves spread the word. I looked out and saw a fin in the water. The voices and visual both presented much more clearly than in the dream.

Recalling the dream, I considered whether I would swim out. I decided it was a bad idea. No fin expert, what was visible above the water, to my left and moving away (same as in the dream), gave little information. However, it was something about the voice that spoke to me. I did not trust it. I stood my ground on the beach. After a short while, the animal jumped high out of the water. The shouting from elsewhere on the shore confirmed what I saw: it was a dolphin.


1. The issue of false sources and true sources presented itself very early in my dreams. Today, it is the #1 most important issue for people to understand: some dreams, like this one, are meant to deceive you. This issue saddled me like a heavy rider for years until I finally broke my mind free of religious and scientific indoctrination to recognize that dreams originate from three sources: mind, Kingdom of God, and Kingdom of Satan.

2. The intention of this false dream was to gain my trust. Though it completely manifested just as shown, it was false. A dream like this serves to gain trust. The devil does not attempt to move a person rapidly from resistant to compliant/deceived. The devil is “more subtle than the rest.” Once trust is gained, the devil leads the deceived person into deeper and deeper delusion.

3. The key thing to recognize was my inherent distrust of the voice which spoke. Later, my science friends would say dreams are random neural firings, and worthy only of a Jungian type analysis. This understanding falls well short of truth. But, the analysis of personal issues via the material of dreams really can produce some psychological benefits. My Christian friends did not believe the devil can send a dream. He can. See Job 4:12-21, this is Eliphaz the Temmonite explaining a dream from a demon, filled with lies and disinformation (which are quoted as gospel in the modern church.)

4. Notice that this is not a self-fulfilling dream. The beach invite came unexpectedly. Nothing about the beach was mentioned to me at all. This is the only time I have ever gone to the beach with my sister or with Toni.

5. If I had entered the water, it would have been an instant loss. Whether I swam with the dolphin or not, I would have moved in obedience and trust in an evil enemy. This would have yielded consequences. Just as Eve believed the serpent in the Garden of Eden over the words God spoke to her, and suffered a penalty: pain in childbirth and expulsion from Eden, I would have brought a penalty unto myself. Later, I was deceived many times, and had to learn to trust the Holy Spirit inside me, which did not like the voice in this Dolphin and Shark dream, and did not like the later lies, either. Unfortunately, I overrode the check in the spirit in those later disasters, and lived what I should not have lived.

Bullet Points:

• Some dreams are false.
• Trust your intuition/ the Holy Spirit.
• You are subject to the voice you trust. Trust God, trust the Holy Spirit.

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