Dream about Russian Invasion of U.S. West Coast (& Dream Training Notes)

Dream about Russian Invasion of U.S. West Coast (& Dream Training Notes) - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Dream about Russian Invasion of U.S. West Coast (& Dream Training Notes) !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori chain dream !! Los Angeles !! Russian Invasion !! SoCal !! types of dreams !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Dream about Russian Invasion of U.S. West Coast (& Dream Training Notes) ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Original Dream: 1994 or 1995

I dreamed this while living in Philadelphia. I was convinced it was a dream of historical California. But, after intense research, I never found there to be any event like it.


First scene:
I am with my wife. We pack our belongings into a cart pulled by a horse. We are fleeing ahead of the Russians. The Russians have gained control of the area and all the current occupants must leave.

Second scene: I am at a pier waving goodbye to my sister and her husband as they leave on a ship to France. Everyone is moving to France. I do not have enough money to buy passage. But, I will remain until I can get working passage. I go and return to where everyone is living in a makeshift shanty town. I go to a soup kitchen. The price is very low, just a few coins. As I arrive to throw my coins into the collection, I see an interesting coin. I trade one of my quarters for this other quarter. Someone sees me and thinks I am stealing. I tell him I collect coins. There is a discussion about if I have stolen from the collection pile. Others in the line confirm I traded a coin for the coin I took.
My real reason for taking the coin is that I have a gift of dreaming and that I know I need to grab this coin to convince my own self, who dreamed this dream many years ago. Then, I look at the coin. I see that the back is different than all coins were in 1994. As I stare at the coin, I begin to talk to myself: Look at the coin. The back is different! See the different coin!" I do this to convince myself that the dream is real.


At the time I saw this scene via dreaming, I thought the coin was a 1976 coin and could not make head nor tail of the message I was sending to myself. Thinking about it now, I realize I was providing proof to myself: the coin, I am sure, is one of the "state quarters." I was relaying to myself a validation of the dream by focusing on a quarter which would not come into mint until 1999. I trained myself to do this in the mid-90's. Since that time, I have found myself, in the middle of an interesting moment, doing something expressly to put information in front of my eyes so that it may be seen in a precognitive dream. In the same way that a dream-vision is written and choreographed to communicate information, you are a real-time, embedded choreographer in the dream. If you can think of it, work to infuse more information into the scene.

Here is an interesting mention on this practice: In the first dream you receive, you will watch yourself performing some side action with the sole purpose of transferring information to yourself sometime in the past via a dream. However, when the actual real-time event comes around, you will remember that you have already dreamed this event, and that you performed some special action to show information. You will then think, "I need to fulfill that action in order to fulfill the dream."

In the event with the coin, as I dreamed it, I merely understood that the reverse of the coin differed from coins at the time I was dreaming in 1995. However, if nothing changes and that dream comes to pass, and I find myself in the soup line in a refugee camp in SoCal, I will recognize the event, and I will then pick up the coin and examine it. My thoughts will be different than in the original dream.


This is a chain dream. (See post, Types of Dreams) Consecutive scenes show subsequent moments in a developing topic. The topic above could be titled “vacating California”, or “Fleeing Russians”, or even something else. Chain dreams have two major purposes. First, they show you that these things are related.
Second, chain dreams are often the format for warning dreams. Warning dreams contain some smaller links at the beginning which serve as confirmation of the dream chain as a whole. For example, in the warning dream I received in 1998 about Chinese Submarines attacking America, the first scene in the dream showed a missile attack across the Black Sea. That missile attack actually occurred one week after I dreamed about it. I call these links in the chain dream guideposts. In a chain dream with three or more parts, after each part comes to pass, you have an understanding that the last scene is closer than before.

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