Dreams about Philadelphia- her Destruction

Dreams about Philadelphia- her Destruction - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Dreams about Philadelphia- her Destruction !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori Philadelphia !! PHiladelphia dreams !! philadelphia prophecy !! philadelphia visions !! Warning to leave Philadelphia !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Dreams about Philadelphia- her Destruction ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

People often receive warnings about the place in which they live. I resided in West Philadelphia for 5 years.

I lived in Philadelphia for almost six years: Feb 94 to Dec 99. Confirmed by others, Philadelphia is called the "City of Phi" in the spirit. It is one of the "seven cities of Satan." It is home to the very first freemason lodge in America.

The lodge sits in the square with city hall. Ben Franklin, statued atop City Hall, points to this freemason lodge. Inside is a demon artifact, a kind of energy device. I saw this first in a dream. Years later, it was confirmed by a squatter I knew... she snuck in during a tour and stole the key. She was never seen again.

I had several dreams about Philadelphia being destroyed.

Visions- South Street a Vacant Battle Scene
Two were open visions while walking on South Street. Both times, I saw a vacant street. Tumble weeds blew around in one of these visions. In the other, the emphasis seemed to be on the bullet scars pocking the red brick walls. The bullet holes in the brick walls scene seemed to be not too long after gun battles had taken place. The

I owned small coffee shops. People knew I was an aficionado of dreams, and often shared theirs with me. One of these was a woman who saw the Philly airport packed with people. The glass walls were broken out in some places, "like a bomb had gone off," she said. People were waiting to catch a flight out... everyone was leaving. Police were calming people, trying to get order.

In another dream, I saw the entrance to U Penn, the corner building in the Wharton school- across from the WaWa, collapsing in a major earthquake. A young man rushed in as the overhead panels began to fall... he grabbed an old lady who had fallen in the shaking. She dropped her gallon jug of water. She kept screaming for the young man to go back under the building's hall to get the water. He did, successfully.

In other dreams, I had many people tell me of these two types of dreams:
1. Taking dark train rides to "safe" places outside the city. Food and safety are promised. But, eventually, they are killed there. Some escape in their dream. Others say that the camps are guarded by UFOs.
2. Little white vans roam the city and force people to receive vaccinations. These shots kill them... except for one girl. She said they grabbed her and pulled her in, struggling. They injected her and she turned into a "stone."

Aerial Attack Outside Philadelphia (Friend's Dream)

One of my good friends dreamed that I returned to Philadelphia (this was before I moved away), and told him "It is time to go." As we left together, we saw a house being attacked by two black helicopters, which destroyed the house and set it on fire.

Dream- Two Men Warning Philadelphia is the City of Satan

A woman I knew once dreamed that she was sitting on a sidewalk on a hot summer day. She saw two men walking in heavy jackets. One had a shaved head. The two men stopped at each person they saw and spoke to them. They stopped in front of her and told her, “Philadelphia is a city of Satan. It is time to leave Philadelphia. Will you go?” She thought about it, and declined.

This woman told me her dream after I related the following dream:

Dream- The Seven Cities of Satan
I saw a map of Europe, the north of Africa, the Atlantic Ocean, and the eastern seaboard of the United States. A voice said, “Satan has seven cities. His seat is Istanbul.” I saw a red dot on the map in the area of Turkey (there were no national boundaries apparent on this map.) From this dot, seven red lines began to travel outward. Two went to southern Europe. Three went to the east coast of America, and two went southwest, to northern Africa.

One of the American cities was Philadelphia.

Less than two years later, I prayed with David, a friend, against the attacks that would later come on 9/11. I saw in a dream where to find him. I went there and David arrived, just as the dream showed me. With him was a friend with a shaved head. We all three prayed against one of the teams I saw in my closed vision. That particular team failed. It was to have originated in Tampa, Florida. It was broken by prayer.

The Two Men Dream Fulfilled

Months after that meeting, I again met the two men together, David, and his regular friend with the shaved head. It was late spring, and the temperature was above 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Still, David and his friend arrived, walking down the sidewalk, to Sam’s Place. Both men wore heavy, fur lined, animal skin jackets. They really stood out. I greeted them briefly. I asked why they were wearing the jackets. They didn’t know, but laughed. It was not planned. Each man had independently put on a heavy jacket for no particular reason.

When they departed, I looked at the woman who told me the previous dream. Her face was relaxed. Her chin sagged a bit, and her eyes were wide open, following the two men as they moved into the distance down the sidewalk. “How do you know them?” She asked. I explained, “That is David, the one I’ve told you about so many times.” She looked again and said, “Those are the men in my dream who said Philadelphia is a city of Satan. Those are exactly the jackets in my dream.” She was sitting on a chair, on the sidewalk, throughout this brief encounter.

Dream- Philadelphia International Airport Packed with Refugees

This same woman, who refused to leave Philadelphia because she owned a lot of real estate there, also dreamed of mass crowds competing to leave Philadelphia. They were in the airport. The windows were all broken. People were scared. They sat in chairs and on the floor. A voice over the PA system promised that flights would begin as soon as possible. She did not see the origin of the extensive damage she could see.

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