How to raise money for grad school

How to raise money for grad school - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang How to raise money for grad school !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori graduate school !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan How to raise money for grad school ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

So, you plan to enroll on a graduate program next semester or maybe next school year. However, you are worried that financially, you are incapable of finishing it. Don’t worry here are some tips which can provide you with insights on how to raise money for graduate education.

1. Savings. If you plan to enroll next year, then start raising a “Grad School Fund”. Keep a separate envelope for this or perhaps a bank account and every time you receive your monthly salary, set aside a certain amount for your studies.

2. Choose a school wisely. I strongly suggest that you choose a state college or university within your area. School fees for state universities are cheaper by about ¼ or less compared with private universities and with that you don’t have to compromise the quality of the education that they deliver. As much as possible it should be within your locality in order to cut costs on transportation when you start attending classes. Furthermore, when you choose what school you are going to enroll beforehand, you can have a complete picture of how much money you should prepare for school expenses.

3. Cut other unnecessary expenses. Financially, you save on expenses if you skip going out on Friday night or watching a movie every Sunday.  Academically, you really won’t have time for that once classes start, so better get used to it.

4. Find scholarships. Government, private companies, and other entities provide financial assistance to deserving graduate students. You just have to be persistent in finding them. You can start asking the school’s registrar on the scholarships they offer, you may just be in luck to find one in which you qualify.

5. Negotiate with your boss. Who knows, your company might offer an arrangement to fund for your studies. Sometimes it comes with an agreement that you should serve the company for a certain number of years after you graduate. So you get both a scholarship and job security, two birds with one stone!

6. Apply for a loan. Government owned financial companies (GSIS, SSS, and PAG-IBIG) offer loans with acceptable interest rates. You might as well apply for it to fund for your studies. Education is an investment so borrowing funds to finance it is not a bad move.

7. Sell assets you don’t need. You might have something in your closet or drawers, which you don’t need and still be of value to others. These may be books, appliances, clothes, furniture. You can set up a garage sale or maybe sell them online to generate finances for your studies.

There are other things you can do to finance your studies such as having a sideline job, a home based business, or tutor graders on weekends. However, you have to make sure that you don’t compromise your time for your studies while doing it. It may defeat your real purpose in the end.

So, how about you? Do you have some tips you can share here on raising money for graduate school?

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