Dreams of the Future of the Stock Market:

Dreams of the Future of the Stock Market: - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Dreams of the Future of the Stock Market: !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori dream !! prayer !! stock market !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Dreams of the Future of the Stock Market: ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

This is one prayer and two dreams about the stock market. Two have already happened, the third (from yesterday) is not yet:

In late 2000, I frequented a coffee shop on Saturday mornings to sit and read. I began to chat with the retired men and women who gathered there. One man, retired from the dental profession, had millions in the stock market. I had shared many dreams and revelations with them. So, one day, they were talking about how to invest. One of the men asked me, "Say, you are the one with all the dreams, how should we invest?" I answered that I have no specific dream on this topic, so I will need to pray about it.

I went home and prayed. The Holy Spirit answered very quickly, "Tell him to sell all his stocks, wait three months, and buy it all back again." I returned to the coffee shop the following morning and told him the advice. They laughed. I shrugged.

Two weeks later, I sat reading near the retirees. I heard the retired dentist say he had lost $300,000 overnight, and was still losing. He feared his losses could total half a million. I looked up and said, "See, I told you. The Holy Spirit warned you." They all just looked at me. None of them said a word. After a few seconds of their faces changing colors, some to white, some to red, they began talking again, as if I had said nothing.

They never again asked me about any dream, or for any information.

The Stock Market will Never Again Reach 14,000

I was praying about the maximum height the stock market would reach. The Holy Spirit told me it would reach 14,000- but just barely. Then, it would drop and never reach that height again. In fact, the stock market eventually reached 14,001- but just for a moment, then began its decline. Today it is near 12,000. This means it cannot grow much higher.

Dream of Stock Market Drop of 4% as the Beginning

Nap, short dream:
Just nodded off at my desk... quick dream: watching bar chart, hear, "Get ready, stocks going down. Lost 4 percent already." (Don't know when that is for)

I saw a figure ... it looked like 4.04% as the decline. Somehow, I also expected to see more days with 4% declines, that this day was the first. Perhaps the notion, which I only partly grasped, was that there would be more days of declines, but necessarily 4% plus or minus a few tenths. I'm not sure.

Comments on Dream Interpretation:
When something is gray, unclear, or only partly comprehended, include this in your notes. When you return to the dream 10 years later, on the day you saw it fulfilled, you will no longer recall what was perfectly clear and what appeared as if through a dark pane of glass.

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