War Coming to America

War Coming to America - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang War Coming to America !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori battle !! chain dream !! dollar confiscation !! north !! war !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan War Coming to America ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Last night, praying, I asked to be a voice for the people. I also prayed again about more information related to the China-Japan event that would signal the time to leave America. This is the series of dreams I had. This is a chain dream from my post titled "Types of Dreams".

March 18, 2011
Wake about 9:45

A military officer receives a message- there is a call for him. He hurries to a dark room full of men and equipment. He picks up the phone. A voice on the other end says, “This is an unsecure line. We should go secure.” The officer agrees.

He uses an odd device. It has 4 small keypads arranged in a square, suspended on two vertical black rods. Each keypad has two rows. Some of the keys are not black. One is green, another is orange or red. The officer uses these keypads very adeptly.

The message: “You know that scenario you’re always talking about? We just spotted it heading this way.”

The military officer runs down a crowded hall. He is a high ranking officer. Here, however, there are many who outrank him. I see he has gold jump wings above the left breast pocket of a short-sleeve, khaki blouse. This means he is a United States Marine Corps officer.

Next Scene: Massive Deployment

Suddenly, troops everywhere are activated. There is a massive deployment. Everyone is activated, even ROTC troops.

Next Scene: TV Commercial Condemns Passive Attitude

A commercial shows men reporting for duty. A voice-over says something like, “Some of these men will be underequipped. Men from ____ will have to use sub-standard rifles. ROTC cadets will have to use the weapons they trained with, which fire only BBs!” Every person associated with the military is reporting for service.

There is a massive airborne deployment of armored vehicles and other types of equipment. The armor is all painted in desert camouflage. This results in a major defeat.

Next Scene: Young men from a training facility are gathering to report for battle. As they hurry, there is concern they will be attacked where they are. They form up at first in a grassy area where they are in the open. Later, they form up inside a white metal building. One young man is thinking about how the walls offer no protection. He has heard about an air-detonated frag bomb that spews shrapnel and causes many casualties.

Next scene: Soldiers are sitting on grass. They are not in uniform, but are reporting to a formation. A senior NCO is telling them to hand over their cash. “It is no longer yours. We need it. Give all your money forward. All of it. You will not need it.” One young man opens his wallet, saying, “I am giving some, and keeping some for myself. I may need it.” A female on his left tells him he should give it all. A male on his right says, “I can see how fat your wallet is. You have something in there.” The wallet owner opens it. It is thick with folded receipts and some cash. He pulls out some tens, then some ones, a five, and another one. He also pulls money from a second location in his wallet.

Note After praying, I understood he pulled first $38, then $15 from his wallet. This represents a scripture:

Job 38:15 “And from the wicked their light is withholden, and the high arm shall be broken.”

Ezekiel 38:15 “And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great company, and a mighty army:”

Jer 38:15 “Then Jeremiah said unto Zedekiah, If I declare [it] unto thee, wilt thou not surely put me to death? and if I give thee counsel, wilt thou not hearken unto me?”

Spiritual Interpretation of This Dream:

After posting this, I received an interpretation from YouTube's AStoneofLight. It is good, and I post it here, with permission of the author:

I will respond with a quick note, and will give you scripture to look up as you have time. I am not saying this is the only interpretation, but it was impressed upon me as I listened to your presentation.

1. This is as much a spiritual dream as a natural one. The Marine with all the decorations, who had worried and warned about the specific scenario is representative of the true church. God has given his prophets and true ministers insight into that thing coming upon this nation. (by Revelation and prophecy, Amos 3:7)

2. The message and warning is being carried by this one man thru many who are of greater positions than himself. (Much like the church world today, these people had no idea about what was happening, because they no longer hear from God, but concern themselves with wealth and position.) 2Tim 3:5 Rev 3:17

3. The cadets and young people represent those with a great concern for souls, who love God, but lack in knowledge. Those in the white building, much like the young christians are unaware of the protective power of the spirit of God represented by the white building (Pslam 91 among others). They do not understand yet the power of the helmet of salvation and how that the attacks from the air (decimating air-bursts) are attacks on the mind by satan.

4. The big battle is the battle being waged by the Laodicean church, which has been a failure, due to their uncaring, lukewarm version of Christianity. (I hope I am explaining this correctly) The church itself has become so unconcerned and comfortable about winning souls it is for all intensive purposes failing, and nothing like what it was intended to be.

5. The airlift is that part of the church, which still believes in the living God, that is either awake or is being awakened to the lateness of the hour, being mobilized and going to war with darkness for the lost souls, inside and outside the Laodecian Church.

6. The beggars of money are the dead, greedy ministers who will continue to fleece the congregations to the very last, and will be lost.
(Rev 22:11)

Isaiah 14:13 alludes to satan presiding and having a kinship to the sides of the north, and when it was undertaken to overthrow God, this direction is the one to which he levitated, because he had allies there. Which brings me to the conclusion that once again he will make his attack from that area.

I know this is a quick response and ask you to forgive me, but I felt a need to get this to you. Many times prophetic dreams can have multiple meanings and warnings as you well know. Probably better than I understand myself, as you are a much greater scholar than I. However, I ask you to consider what has been written here, and use it accordingly. If nothing else, encourage yourself with it in the fact that you know your closeness to the Lord.

God Bless You,
David G.

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