Praying for Answers to Come in Dreams

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Praying for Answers to Come in Dreams

Last night, March 17, 2011, as I fell asleep, I prayed for more information related to the events at Fukushima Nuclear Reactor in northeast Japan. On March 11th, an 8.9 earthquake struck the ocean floor and rocked the main island of Japan. A subsequent tsunami destroyed harbors and entire sections of towns.

Because of the vision shown to me by the Holy Spirit of a major event involving Japan, a few people sent me emails requesting more information. So, I prayed and asked to receive more detail about that event.

Honshu Earthquake not a Fulfillment of the Japan, China & North Korea Vision

Here is why the events of March 11th are not the events of the vision I received which warn of when to leave America. There are two reasons. First, if this were the fulfillment of that vision, I would feel it. Some of the events of the Honshu quake would fulfill the components of the vision I received. There would be additional details in the actual event. The second reason is that, prior to a dream being fulfilled, it automatically returns to the mind. That did not happen prior to this event.

When the fulfillment of “When Japan folds to China, that is your sign (to leave America)” comes, I will recall that dream at least a few times. For a dream of this magnitude, I will likely see it on my mind’s mental landscape, or remember it, several times. This is how it will happen to all of us. When you have a dream, you will recall it before it manifests.

Why do Dreams Contain Less than Full & Complete Information?

Not all details of a global event are contained in one dream. Nor does the Holy Spirit reveal all to just one person. That leads to person glory, not God’s glory. As I was once told in prayer, God reveals something to everyone, to no one everything, and everything to someone. This forces people to work together, to strengthen each other, and to trust one another. This develops unity. And, as mentioned above, no one person is lifted up. Instead, God is lifted up. That is how God wants it.

March 16, 2011 Dreams:

The first night praying about the attack on Japan which will signal the need to depart America, I dreamed this:

In San Francisco, I went for a walk. I walked around a corner. There were several empty store fronts there. New commercial spaces were empty. One shop was open, a restaurant. For sale there was a hot dog. The bun and sausage were large. The hot dog itself may have weighed nearly a pound. It cost $8 for this hot dog.

I ordered and sat at a long elevated table. I shared this table with some younger people. We talked and laughed. Another group of young entrepreneurs joined us. They invited me to see one of their new locations. These young friends had four or five new late-night hang-outs open.

The bar was chique, but casual. Everything had sharp lines. The inside was very open. We sat on the floor and talked and laughed and had a drink.

Interpretation of March 16th dreams: The economy will continue to slow. But, people will not change (youth looking for success and working hard, but in the wrong direction.) Food prices will increase. Businesses will continue to close their doors. This will not be immediately obvious (I had to walk around a corner, off the main streets, to see the closed shops.)

March 17th Dreams:

1. Two words: “cold fusion”.

2. I see a door in my apartment. It opens. I see lots of cereal boxes stocked there. At the bottom, I see a brown box. Inside this box, I understand (without words or visual indication) that the moths I have been looking for are in this box. Wake.

Interpretation of March 17th dreams:
I prayed about two topics before sleeping. First, I asked to know what will come of recent events in Japan. Second, I prayed to know the origin of the moths which have been appearing the last few weeks.

Update, Jan. 17, 2013: I forgot to add: the moth worms were exactly where the dream showed. However, I also later found another batch in a potato cupboard. So, a dream may be accurate, and still be incomplete! 

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