Can You Dream in Cartoon? Yes.

Can You Dream in Cartoon? Yes. - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Can You Dream in Cartoon? Yes. !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori can you dream in color? !! candida albicans !! Cartoon dream !! color red !! dream in cartoon !! interpretation by prayer !! private interpretation !! red !! red thrushing swallow !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Can You Dream in Cartoon? Yes. ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Can a Dream be a Cartoon?

After 17 years of recalling one to several dreams every night, I just this week had my first cartoon dream. I have dreamed of cartoons before. However, those instances were literally about cartoons.

A Dream about a Cartoon:
I once dreamed of a cartoon cave. Inside the cave was an elephant. The elephant then seemed to stomp on some feathers. Then, only the feathers remained. I pondered that dream for a long time. Elephant + feathers??? You won’t believe what it was.

About a year later, I purchased a video game console. The first game I bought was Crash Bandicoot. In the game, Crash must enter a cave and fight an elephant. When the elephant perishes, it turns into a blue feather.

However, the dream I had on the 19th actually contained a message. I was sick and slept off and on all day. I woke at 1:12 in the afternoon. It is very rare for me to sleep so late. This may be one factor in this unusual dream format.

A Dream in Cartoon:
The dream was a repeating dream. This is the kind which replays over and over. (To read about more types of dreams, see this blog post.) It began with a canal. The water was clear and blue. However, the surface level was receding. As the water level dropped, different animals became visible. Other animals which usually came to drink also gathered into a group.

The canal dried out and the collection of animals began to walk the damp canal bed. They chased after the receding waters. A small puddle, about an inch of water, seemed to run ahead of them. Beneath their advancing feet, the ground began also to dry out. It turned blue and green. All of this is in cartoon paint color.

Then, I see that there are diamonds and emeralds and precious stones in the bed of the river. However, the animals do not waste their time to stop for these stones. They need water. Anything else has no value if they cannot drink.

Reset to the Beginning
After this, the dream reset to the beginning. As the beginning scene opened up, I recognized that I already watched this scene a number of times. However, I do not recall the other cycles of the dream.

A small red bird sat on the water surface of the crystal blue canal. At the banks, green foliage grew abundantly. The little red bird seemed very happy as he fluttered his red cartoon wings into and out of the water. He chirped a little song as he bathed himself.

A voice says, “This is a red thrushing swallow…” This is repeated again, more slowly,”a red.. thrushing.. swallow.”

After a short moment of singing and splashing, several other birds suddenly joined the little red bird. These were all larger than the red thrushing swallow.

Suddenly, the little red bird turns into a burger. Then, the camera angle shifts to see the other birds from closer to the water surface. I see they are tacos and other kinds of fast food.

This was all in cartoon.

Wake, 1:12 in the afternoon

Interpretation by mind:

When I first pondered the dream, I thought the birds represented fast food. This meant, I thought, that fast food causes dehydration. Bir-d = Bir-ger, I thought.

Interpretation by Prayer:

I next googled for “red thrushing swallow”, then for “red thrush”. In the images results, I found images of a medical condition: thrush. Thrush results from a bad colon. A bad flora called Candida albicans grows out of control. It is a fungus. People who change their diets by omitting sugar and refined flour (which quickly converts to sugar), become healed from many different ailments.

After praying, I learned this interpretation:
The red thrushing swallow represents Candida, also known as thrush. The other, larger birds represent other ailments. Candida weakens the body. This makes it easy for other ailments to take up roost. Dehydration is also a problem caused by Candida and other illnesses.

When the canal was dry, the precious stones were ignored. The stones represent revelations and wisdom from God. A person who is desperate for the basic needs of life does not spend time seeking spiritual wisdom.

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