Defeating Sickness in Dreams

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Many people send me dreams in which they fight and overcome an enemy. Some of these are personal deliverance.

Casting Out a Millipede
In August of 2010, my wife's friend spoke with us over Skype and shared a dream in which she entered her own mind and saw two dark entities there. One was a black millipede. She wrestled the millipede and threw it out through her ear. This self deliverance occurred entirely within a dream.

Defeating Kundalini
(dream first, interpretation second)
My wife stands next to me. I look and see a small alligator. I grab it and choke it until it stops moving. I throw the lifeless body aside. My wife says that the alligator was okay.
Next to us is a large, muddy pond. The still waters seem to hold much sandy mud. The color is like coffee with milk, a sandy color. Occasionally, an alligator snout emerges, or a humped back briefly breaks the surface. However, the presence of many gators is obvious by sudden ripples and eddies in the water. Many of these move linearly.
"It is okay," my wife says again. She climbs over a small cement curb and walks out into the murky water. She ignores my repeated admonitions. She walks out to a submerged sand bar and stands in the center. I refuse to follow.
Soon, she screams. She pulls her arm out of the water. Attached to her right hand is a very large alligator. She lifts the arm and moves it rapidly. The gator remains steadfast. I look again, and the jaws of the alligator cover her entire right arm.
I jump in and swim to her. I flip the beast onto his back and sit on him. His bite still holds my wife. Looking at the teeth, I remember, "I know how to do this. How is this done?" I remember what to do. I grab his upper and lower jaws and pry them open. My wife escapes. I follow her and drag the alligator out of the murky water.
Holding his jaw closed with both hands, I beat his snout against the curb until the upper bone and the jaw both break.

I roughly woke momentarily. Returning to sleep for a brief moment, the word "chthonic" was spoken. This was not accompanied by any image.
Interpretation of Alligator Dream
The alligator represents a false spirit moving through American churches. It is a serpent energy brought in through mystics and Buddhism. It is called 'kundalini'. This false spirit has slithered into the church where my wife and I formerly attended together. I delivered reports on the false teachers spreading this false fire to the chief pastor. However, he brushed my warnings aside and continues to preach the teachings of these men who have the kundalini, but call it the Holy Spirit of God.
Killing the small alligator: By attending there, I allowed this to get into my own life. Killing the small alligator represents my decision to quit that church entirely.
Wife swimming out: This represents that my wife would refuse to hear my warning. This has already happened. She continues there, despite my constant warnings. Warfare with demons is based on rights, in a very legalistic way. Because she is metaphorically in the pond, the spirit of kundalini, the serpent spirit represented by the alligator has gained "a right", symbolized by her right hand in the grips of the alligator.
She is going to recognize a problem. She is going to fight it, and it will only get worse. Finally, she will ask me for help and I will conquer it for her. Then, she is going to get out.

chthonic: Greek, "in, beneath or under the earth". This word also refers to ancient ritual sacrifices and cults.

Broken Bones Dream Meaning
In the end, I break the jaw bones of the alligator. This represents breaking his power. Breaking bones represents breaking the power of a thing or person.

This is why the bones of the sacrificial lamb of Jewish Passover tradition are not to be broken. This represents that the power of the Messiah will never be broken. This was fulfilled when Jesus' bones were not broken when he hung on the cross.

Muddy Water Dream Meaning:
Pure, clean water, or "living water" represents the Word of God. Muddy water represents addition of something. It is not pure. It is dirty. Muddy water represents something unhealthy. In a very spiritual dream, the most likely meaning is 'teachings of men, traditions of men'. The dirt in the water can be something like private interpretation, intentional misdirection, or anything else. The ways to muddy water are virtually limitless!

Suggested Reading:
Broken Bones Dream Meaning
Lives Destroyed by the NAR

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