Dreams Can Include Exact Correct Names

Dreams Can Include Exact Correct Names - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Dreams Can Include Exact Correct Names !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori "dream interpretation" !! exact names !! interpreting names !! Monty Hall !! names in dreams !! Russ Dizdar !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Dreams Can Include Exact Correct Names ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Monty Hall

In the mid 90's, I worked in a small West Philadelphia deli. Come slow afternoons, I had many interesting conversations with customers. One of these customers was a well dressed African American, Richard. Richard occasionally came to West Philly to pick up his girl friend, who worked down the street, at the Second Mile Center.

While he waited for her shift to end, he would buy a cup of coffee in the deli. He would stand by the coffee station and I would keep my post behind the register. We shared many stories. The second to the last time I saw Richard, he related to me a dream of infidelity. He saw his girlfriend in bed with Monty Hall, the game show host. He asked me to help him understand it. I told him that the person could look like Monty Hall, or else might also be named Monty, or even have a name similar to Monty. "However," I said, "he is somehow like Monty Hall, and so your mind substitutes in the closest thing that makes sense."

A few months later, I saw Richard the last time. He walked in and began pouring his coffee. He said, "You know, I stopped in one last time... I drove out here just to tell you... Do you remember the dream I told you about?" I told him I remembered. "Well, she was having an affair. And, you know what his name was? Monty Hall. Monty Hall! Can you believe that?"

Russ Dizdar

In the later summer of 2010, I prayed before going to bed, "Lord, if there is something I need to know, but don't know it, please send me a dream to show me." That night, I woke twelve times. For some reason, I counted. Each time I woke, I had been hearing the same name over and over and over, "Russ Dizdar... Russ Dizdar... Russ Dizdar..."

I trudged to my office and scribbled the name onto a paper. I only forced open my eyes enough to ensure clear writing. Then I returned to bed. I got to my desk a little early, and opened my Firefox browser. I typed "Russ Dis..." and Google offered me suggestions. I was not sure it was even a real name. But, Google knew him. "Russ Dizdar the Black Awakening", Google suggested. Since that time, I have listened to several shows of his. He teaches about Satanic Ritual Abuse and how it is covered up by virtually every police force in the U.S.

The Black Awakening is a term used by devils for a future day when a dark plan will be revealed. Satanists have been creating 'Manchurian Candidates'. These people have multiple and split personalities. One or more of the hidden personalities are programmed to kill. On one day, all these sub personalities will be activated. That day is called the Black Awakening.

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