Sources of Dreams

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From Where do Dreams Originate?

I prayed about this, wanting to know. Finally, I received this dream answer: "Dreams come from, they do not go to." I eventually understood the interpretation of this dream by looking at how hugs are given. I always like friends who hug. It is nice to receive a hug. However, I never request a friend to become a hugger. This is because a real hug "comes from" a friend out of happiness to see you, or out of genuine love for people. However, when someone is asked for hugging, it "goes to." It was requested.

This means that dreams are sent to you. Some dreams are the product of your mind. That is true. Those who desire to find God, or to find evil, will receive more dreams from those desired sources. In their waking lives, too, they will find more of what they desire. Whatever you seek, that is what you will find.

For those seeking God, however, there will also be an increase in the works of the kingdom of darkness. The devils do not want anyone to achieve salvation. Once a person finds God, forces of darkness will work, at each opportunity, to derail Christians.

1. Pop science popularized the notion dreams result from random neuron firings. This is incorrect.

2. Someone else's mind. It is possible to dream someone else's dream. Not sure how that works. But, it has definitely happened to me. I dreamed an intricate dream of a community built by digging into hills and making homes within them. A central lake was completely surrounded by land, but flowed. As I sat the next morning explaining the dream to someone who would listen, a woman I knew, Alice Chun, walked up with her coffee. She explained that I had just described exactly her architectural project for a development in Tennessee. The lake flowed via a pump in her design. This flow would limit mosquito reproduction, she said.
Alice had been extremely stressed over the project. Perhaps this emotional energy amplified her thoughts and projected it out. I don't know the mechanics of it, but I dreamed Alice's dream.

3. A true vision: Sent from the Kingdom of God, the dream is designed to strengthen you and encourage you into right living. I say these are from the Kingdom. This is because I don't know exactly how they come. Angels deliver them. That is the meaning of "angel". Angel means "messenger." For example, the message to Daniel at the River Chubar was delivered by an angel. Messages were sent to Abraham and later to Joseph via angels. The book of Revelation was delivered to John on Patmos by an angel. The angel received it from Jesus, and Jesus received it from God.

The Revelation chain of delivery shows how the vision really comes, ultimately, from God. Maybe they all come from God indirectly. It may also be that angels are given authority and then help to strengthen and guide men through dreams as they see is best. I don't know. But, some dreams originate in the Kingdom of God.

4. A false vision: These come from fallen angels and other workers in the Kingdom of Darkness. I have also received false dreams from: single witches, with covens, sorcerers, and a homosexual man who desired me. All these dreams are deception. Some are written, choreographed and prepared by devils. Others are the actual interaction with the undesirable source, which enters into your awareness as a "dream".

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