What is a Transition Element?

What is a Transition Element? - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang What is a Transition Element? !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori "dream recall tips !! dreams in series !! focus element !! Orange Revolution !! transition element !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan What is a Transition Element? ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

When a dream transits from one scene to the next, a transition element is used.

Following the completion of one scene, the focus of the dreamer "zooms in" or otherwise begins to increase focus one one item in the dream. This increases until complete focus is on that item. For example, the grass on the ground can be a transition element. The color orange can be another.

When all you can see is the transition element, focus "zooms out", or pans back out so that the scene comes into normal view. However, the scene is changed!

For example, in 1998, I had a dream which included seven scenes and six transition elements. The dream showed events in my life and concluded in an event in California. The 4th event was the "Orange Revolution" in Kiev, Ukraine. I visited Kiev in April, May and June of 2004, shortly before the large protests against election fraud by the Communists in Ukraine. At the end of that dream, I looked at a man wearing an Orange wind breaker. My focus zoomed in to see only orange. Then, it zoomed back out. The orange was an orange sail on a small boat riding near the beach. As the scene continued to expand, I saw I myself stood on a bluff overlooking the waters, and I was in California.

After returning from Kiev to Georgia, I moved to California. I had not planned that. But, the dream showed me what would happen.

The last scene of the dream was of me walking from the middle of California toward the coast. I held some books. Water was rushing out to sea. It was ankle deep. By the time I reached a class room and sat at a desk, the water had run off completely.

I believe the scenes were showing me what would happen. In the late 90's, I had become very concerned over apocalyptic dreams I had seen. This dream showed me several years of fairly normal events. Other scenes were the place I worked in Georgia and a jiu jitsu training room in California where I trained a few weeks.

Bullet Points:

* A transition element is not likely to contain hints to the theme of the dream. It will not yield hints to understanding.
* Recognizing the transition element will help you to recall more dreams from each night. Recall the dream you were in at waking. Focus on the that dream, playing it in reverse, all the way to the end. Relax. Look for the transition element, or focus element. Just watch it. Don't think. It will meld into the previous dream. With practice, you can transit backward to many more dreams.

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