عرض المشاركات من أغسطس, ٢٠١٠

Multifaceted Knowledge Representation: Ideas from Marvin Minsky

"I think a key to AI is the need for several representations of the knowledge, such that when …

Beyond pixel-wise labeling: Blocks World Revisited

"Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind. " -- Immanuel…

Pray for Desired Information Before Sleeping

If you want to receive information in a dream, ask. To receive the information you need or desire, …

What is a Transition Element?

When a dream transits from one scene to the next, a transition element is used. Following the compl…

Sleeping Habits Impact Your Dream Recall

Learn to sleep. Sleeping, like lifestyle and diet affects your overall health. It impacts your phys…

Dreams Can be Messages for Others:

Sometimes, a dreamer receives a dream message for someone else. Last night, I saw a Christian, new …

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