Types of Dreams

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Dream Types

This is from a class I gave in Philadelphia in the late 90's.

Dreams come in many formats. A dream with important or profound data will repeat without mercy until it's message is realized. A series of dreams from a single night may relate the specific high points of an individual's processive experiences throughout an important change or advancement. Some dreams consist of view and review, a witnessing of events as in watching a film, and then a review by seen or unseen guides. Some dreams relate real events in the perceiver's own future. Others may reveal secrets which resolve unanswered questions in technology and science. Dreams can also play out all of several future possibilities, revealing what will follow the choosing of specific options.

Persistent Dream: This dream happens again and again during each of several nights. Usually, the period is close to one week. Some persistent dreams may occur throughout an entire lifetime until their goals are achieved. The hidden message may be:
exact: What is seen is exactly what is meant.
themed: the sequence of events, in it's abstract form relates the message.

Resetting Dream: The same dream plays over and over again. A critical point occurs, and the dreamer makes a decision which changes each time until the desired result is achieved, until a lesson is learned. This type of dream has a heavy influence on intuition.
There is a case in psychology which exemplifies this effect. A doctor greets a man who has no long term memory. When the patient extends his hand for a greeting, the doctor surreptitiously pricks his palm with a needle. He does this on two separate visits. On the third visit, the doctor extends his hand in greeting, but the patient refuses. When asked why, the patient acknowledges that he does no know the man (he has no long term memory) but insists that he is afraid, does not trust the doctor and will not shake his hand.
The Resetting Dream has the same effect. When a person is not recalling his dreams, he will still feel the effects of this dream plane learning. It will be an abstract, or "gut" feeling of distrust, dislike, trust, love, lust, or whatever the case may be.

Note: For an example of a resetting dream: Resetting Dream

Chain Dream: A series of dreams consecutively occur in one night. Each is complete in itself, covering a specific event. The dreams in the chain relate the high points, or crucial moments, in a greater development. These are shown in the reverse order in which they will happen. That is, the last dream in the series will happen first. Often, when these critical junctures actually occur, there will be a strong sense of deja vu.

Cluster Dream: Most often, a group of dreams occur together in one night. They usually number five. Four dreams relate mundane activity, which come to pass quickly, usually within two days. The fifth, the middle dream, relates a highly important event in the dreamer's life. This provides great confidence to the individual either to pursue what the Cluster Dream entails, or to undertake actions to counter the fifth event. The cluster effect also applies to groups of dreams occurring during several nights or weeks. All minor dreams occur before the major event (they are guideposts). The remaining event's eventuality remains for last and is now undeniable.

Precognitive Dream: A dream which comes to pass. All the parts which fail to be included in the actual event are clues to the dreamer's own distortion of reality. About 60% of precognitive dreams happen on the same day (+2 days) in another year.

View and Review: In this type of dream, a scene, or symbols, or both, are shown. Interpretations or commentary are provided either simultaneously or following. These are usually the most profound dreams, providing the most concrete evidence and the most interesting knowledge. This format is common to false dreams and should be reviewed with caution and prayer. For example, many who believe in "past life recall", have this format of dream.
Typically, the issue of the false life recalled parallels a current issue in the life of the dreamer, and includes a solution to the issue. Or, the dream focuses on the true underlying personality flaw affecting the situation. The demonic originators of such dreams exchange helping the dreamer in order to lead the dreamer into a false belief- that it is given to a man to live and die more than once.

Informative: This dream is most often a view and review dream.
1.) A picture of a dandelion, slowly rotating. Commentary, "The cure for AIDS will be found in the dandelion."
2.) Singer, the inventor of the sewing machine could not devise a way to adapt a needle to a machine. He dreamt that he was being chased by spear wielding natives. Each of the spears had a hole just before the point.
3.) A scientist was trying to map benzene. He could no derive a diagram because he continued to be off by one hydrogen in each case. he dreamed of a snake biting it's own tail. He woke, realizing that benzene is a ring.

Note: For a large compilation of inventions that came in dreams, see this post from December, 2010: Inventions in Dreams

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