Dream Visions of Hell

Dream Visions of Hell - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Dream Visions of Hell !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori "dream" !! false vision of Hell !! Hell !! Is Hell real !! vision" !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Dream Visions of Hell ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

First vision:

Location: 29 Palms Marine Corps base, desert of Southern California
(Note that just south of the base is a town which is abandoned by day, but all the lights come on at night. Rumors say that the town is full of witches.)

The dream:

I am laying horizontal, but on nothing. All around is complete darkness. surrounding me are the heads of dogs. The heads are different sizes. The largest I remember very well- a Pomeranian, complete with blue tongue. Each of these heads would leap forward and bite my flesh. They would tear off meat.

While not biting, the other heads would occasionally slap their teeth together making a loud gnashing sound as their teeth slammed shut together.

I could feel all the pain. I could yell. I could barely move. With a great effort, I lifted my head to see my body. I saw the huge hole in my right side where the giant Pomeranian head would repeatedly bite. As I watched, the flesh regrew following each rending of the flesh.

It was horrible. The effect on my head was a reeling state of confusion. I could not comprehend what was transpiring. Amazed to a state of stupor, I could only think to look at what was happening.

Then I woke.

It is important to note that at the time I was catholic. I did not live holy. The only commitment to Jesus I had made was at a youth Bible camp. I had not clear idea of the meaning. I had a girlfriend and there was no clear difference between me and the world.

Second Vision:

The second vision was a false dream. It felt wrong. And, when I prayed about it, the Lord told me it was deception. Additionally, he told me to never mention any of the details. I include this because I have seen reports from others (primarily in Islam) which repeat some of the lies I saw/heard in that dream.

And, I want to note that satan is working to disseminate false information in this area.

Additional reports of trips and visions to Hell:

Bill Wiese 23 minutes in Hell

Katherine Baxter- 40 trips to Hell with Jesus (The Mary Katherine Baxter series is long. There are 14 segments. This segment talks about a pastor who went to Hell.)

Genoark has a vision of Hell This young man prayed to be shown Hell. He was shown.

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