Crashing a Car, Failing at Work, Falling in Dreams

Crashing a Car, Failing at Work, Falling in Dreams - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Crashing a Car, Failing at Work, Falling in Dreams !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori car crash !! dream !! dream interpretation !! failing at work !! falling !! falling dreams !! reiki !! rights of demons !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Crashing a Car, Failing at Work, Falling in Dreams ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Here is a question mailed to my YouTube account:

I have a question since you seem to know a lot about dreams. I dream a lot about screwing up at my job, crashing my car while driving, and falling dreams. What do these symbolize to me?

Meaning of Falling Dreams:

There are two very common interpretations here:

1. When the spirit returns to the body each night, there is a sense of movement which is, apparently, closer to the sensation of falling more than any other sensation. For this reason, the mind converts the sensation of returning to the body into something it knows: falling from a higher position to a lower position.

Note also that when Lucifer was cast from the heavenly places to the earth, the Bible describes it in the book of Luke, Chapter 10, verse 18: "And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven." So, the action of transferring from the heavenly places to the earth is described as falling.

2. If you see yourself fall, and then the dream scene continues, it can represent a setback in life. This can relate to any area of life: morality, finances, and even health.

If you always wake up at the end of the fall, the first definition, above, applies. If you see events unfolding after the fall, i.e., you remain in a state of dreaming, then the fall symbolically represents some life setback, loss, or reduction.

A fall does not usually represent death. Death is usually represented by a long journey, or a sudden, ninety-degree turn, which takes the walker off the path.


First, it is important to understand the interpretation of an automobile. Above, I explained that the spirit leaves the body and returns at night. The process of returning is perceived as falling. Now, in the world, the spirit (and soul) travel around in a body. The spirit’s mode of transportation is a corporeal, two-armed, two-legged body. So, when the mind converts spiritual data into a visual image for the mind, it substitutes the image of an auto.
The car represents your body. Sometimes, a dream is sent to you. It is authored and written, choreographed and directed by a spiritual source. That source may use the car symbol to convey the meaning of a physical “vehicle” which transports a spirit, your spirit.
I believe that both the above methods produce the car-as-body symbol. Now, what is crashing a car in a dream?

Crashing your personal automobile in a dream also has two popular meanings:

1. Injuring yourself spiritually: If the car represents your body, it represents your person. The person comprises three parts: spirit, soul, and body. When you injure one of these, the idea transfers into a dream as a scene of damage to the car- usually by an automobile accident. The crash scene strongly conveys the idea of damage.

In 1999, while continuing to straddle the fence between a full commitment to God and exploring everything spiritual, I enrolled in and completed a course in Reiki. After the first session, the teachers warned about a strange phenomenon: For some reason, people taking Reiki Level One classes would get into vehicular accidents during the first week.

"We don't know why this is, but Reiki students seem to always get into car accidents during their first week. Somehow, they seem to have a fender bender or get rear-ended, or even hit another car. So, try to reduce driving this week. Walk if you can, or postpone long drives until after the second session."

I received the warning very strongly, and walked everywhere. I did not even ride my bike- my primary transportation at the time. However, all the other students crashed their cars and somehow dented them. One girl rode a motorcycle. She somehow crashed into the back of a pick up truck stopped at a sign. She was the only one not driving her vehicle. It was being repaired.

Reiki, though presented as “Christian”, is actually developed by a monk, as they teach when they offer the course. However, the monk is female- which teachers are told to not mention. As well, they do not tell students that the monk is a Buddhist monk.

So, Reiki is actually a demonic practice. The Buddha is considered an apostle of satan. Involving oneself in such activities as Reiki, Ouija boards, séances and psychic readings exposes one to demonic forces. (see for further instruction on the yielding of rights to demons.) This damages the soul. This damage can and does manifest into your daily life as damage to your automobile. Sounds bizarre, but it is true. For more information about the dangers of participation in demonic activities (whether you knew it or not when you participated), read this article: Tarot Cards, Psychic Readings, and Palm Reading Bring Curses to Participants

2. Major conflict coming to a head: A student of Jung, Barbara Hannah, described an event involving one of her analysands. This woman analysis client analysis argued without decrease with a co-worker. The client’s car was nearly rear-ended at an intersection (real-life, not in a dream). Later, she was actually rear ended, causing light damage. The psychologist warned her client that something worse would happen if she failed to address the conflict. The conflict had risen to a spiritual level and now manifested into other physical areas.

In a third event, the woman was hit from behind while stopped at a busy intersection. The collision pushed her car out into the intersection where it was nearly struck by a cargo truck.

In as much as a dream can be a warning, a dream of a car crash can warn of a conflict coming to a violent collision. The actual manifestation might be a loud argument, termination or reduction in responsibility. It could break a relationship.

Note: I am only sharing the event. I am not promoting Carl Gustav Jung


Scenes of the workplace can represent exactly what they appear to be: the workplace. This can also symbolize life. In life, we have tasks to perform, times to arrive or depart, deadlines (many assumed), and people with whom we perform all these tasks. So, “working” can represent “living”.

However, in this case, the most likely interpretation of the dream is that you are having conflict in the workplace. And, if not corrected, that conflict is going to cause a big event at your work. The result will be a collision of personalities, interests or ideas.


When a car crash, or other crash is dreamed, the reaction must always include an analysis of all turmoil and conflict in the life of the one who dreamed it. Is your position and behavior worth maintaining to the point of damage?

Suggested Further Reading:
How to take Dream Notes
Can you dream in cartoon? 

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