Dreams Rich in Symbolism- How are They Interpreted?

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Dreams sometimes arrive so symbol-dense, no clear and obvious interpretation or understanding presents itself. In this situation, how should you proceed to seek understanding of the dream?

Christian Dream Interpretation:
This post addresses the Christian method of dream interpretation. In the Christian belief system, the interpretation of dreams belongs to God. This belief comes from two stories. First, early in the history of the descendants of Abraham, the youngest son, Joseph, through betrayal and being framed, is in the king's jail. He is presented with two dreams to interpret. He tells his fellow prisoners that interpretation belongs to God.

In the second case, much later in the history of Abraham's descendants, Daniel, a slave and servant to the king of Babylon tells the king not only the meaning of the dream, but also what the king had dreamed. Before Daniel tells the dream and it's interpretation, Daniel explains that interpretation belongs to God alone. Daniel requests and receives one hour to pray and listen to God to learn the dream and it's interpretation.

Here is a dream I received on the night of April 30, 2010. I post the dream, and afterward I give the interpretation I received in prayer.

A Patient Mountain Man Defeats Bad Men of the Valley
Two men have been working in the mountains, and begin walking down together. However, they part ways before reaching the bottom. One leaves the scene at the parting of ways, and is not really seen again in the dream.

The second is a very good man. He has simple clothes: some worn pants and red white & blue plaid shirt. Over his shoulder, he has a bundle tied into another shirt or some other material. He walks into a field near the base of the mountain. A field grows here. It is yet a little green, but with some golden hues along the stalks and even into the grain at the head. The plants sway in a breeze. As the Mountain Man walks through the field, a bear, or some other low, dark animal runs through the field quickly.

The man takes the bundle and hides it in the field. This seems to be near the edge of the field, inside an old fallen tree.

Hostage House

In the next scene, the man is inside a house. The house is filled with robbers and very bad men. They are armed and constantly peek out the windows. Yet, in one part of the room, the good man has a place to sleep. During the night, the good man (the Mountain Man) leaves the bed for a moment to do something. One of the bad men begins to crawl in. Before he can get in, the good man returns and clearly states that it is his bed, and he is not giving permission for anyone else to sleep in it.

The would-be bed-hijacker slowly removes himself from being partially onto the bed. Silently, he backs off.

(This part was very interesting. The bad men seemed to be in complete control. But, when the Mountain Man said, "Get out of my bed." , they had nothing to say, and did nothing.

During the rest of the night, the men occasionally bullied at or said short, unkind things to the Mountain Man, who said nothing, and stayed on the bed.

Inserted Scene:

In the farmyard, I see all types of animals. They are made of clay, and are of various colors and sizes. Although made of clay, this is not clay-mation or any other theatrical technique. The animals all seem very real, yet simultaneously are made of colorful clay.

All the animals leave together, except one little white animal, which, due to its odd angles, is unidentifiable. A predator animal comes in to get it while it is alone. The predator (a little wolf, I think) gives a speech, but also begins guessing what kind of animal the little white angled-animal is. After a few failed guesses, the mother walks in and stand over the little one's right shoulder. The predator looks up and slinks down low to the ground. His tongue rounds his lips as his eyes grow big.

The scene removes again to show the fully grown angled-one: It is an eagle! It is all white, and too great to be seen completely in the scene. This is a very big surprise in the dream.

Back to the Farm house:

The bad men have been sleeping, and are now waking. They see that the Mountain Man has slipped out during the night. In a moment, they all realize He had abilities far beyond what they guessed. They realize the Mountain Man had been playing them all along. How did he get out of the bed without making a sound? How did he leave the house, and no one saw?

Back to the Farm yard:

An enemy has sent a large animal, strapped with bombs, to destroy the farm yard. But, the animal itself turns around to go back and attack the ones who sent it.

The plotters placed a very large pachyderm to stand guard and ensure the bomb-laden animal does not return.

The pachyderm stands atop the high side of a water filled canyon. The rim of the far side is lower. However, the bomb animal returns, swims the river, climbs the far bank in one quick move, and spreads his arms wide, attacking at both sides of the pachyderm with large claws extended.

"It is a lion!" Again this is a big surprise. The pachyderm runs off.


Okay, do you think you know what the dream means? Try to interpret it yourself. Next, ask God to give you the interpretation. Listen patiently. Remember, Daniel, who prayed three times daily, required a full hour to interpret a dream.

Interpretation next:

The Mountain Man is both Jesus and the Holy Spirit, "for they are one and the same."

The mountain is the Power of God.

The bundle is gifts "you will need for your journey." (Which makes sense, people take with them what they will need.) These are hidden and are for "kings to seek them out." I thought that scripture referred to only knowledge... But now I understand it also refers to studying scripture to find hidden gifts/abilities/ways to build the Kingdom. So, study scripture not just for knowledge to speak of, but also for wisdom you can use. (I'm doing a bad job of explaining this, sorry.)

The thing that looked like a fallen tree at the edge of the field is the Body of Christ (that is where the gifts are hidden.)

The plants in the field are the "unharvested", "Who will harvest them?"

The animals in the corral are "prayers and prayer warriors". These all grow into something; they become something. It may not be obvious now... The eagle from the odd thing with strange angles is one example. (So, I guess, we ought not be too hasty with prayer warriors who have 'strange angles'.)

I got this wrong in recall.... The animal laden with bombs that was sent by an unseen enemy... It was consumed by the lion. It was not the lion originally headed to blow up the farm. I never saw the form of that animal, it appeared as a vague form consisting of shadows and dark wind. I only saw the lion when it was revealed at the point it attacked the pachyderm.

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