Analyzing Common Themes in Several Dreams

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These dreams and commentary as posted as an example of how more than one message can be found in one dream, and also in several dreams.

Reading these three dreams, note the common ideas. I discuss them at the end of this post.

Change: Dream #1
In the dream, I was dreaming. In that dream within a dream, my ex-wife died. Everyone was waiting for the reading of the will. But I was just happy she was gone, and no more would be lurking in my past.

I woke and went to an area where my mother was working. She was checking people into a hotel. I worked there. I took a push broom with heavy bristles and used it to clean away some crud on the carpet before the cashier’s counter.

There was a book on one of the carpets here. It is significant somehow.

The carpets were not smooth. The design included some upraised reliefs. The crud, some light colored dirt and sand, had wedged up against one of these reliefs. I cleaned it out by scrubbing and sweeping with the broom.

Leaving, I walk down the street. I enter a mini market. I select a half bagel with cream cheese and a cup of coffee. At the register, my total comes to $3.65. Reaching into my wallet, I pull out four one dollar bills. It seems there are more bills in there than I think. I rub the cash between my thumb and index finger. Nothing happens. As I reach to give the money, I see a five dollar bill and some more ones in the bunch. I now count four singles and give them to the cashier.

She hands me my change. It is all coins. She gives me $2.65 in coins. Mostly quarters and a nickel and a dime are in my hand.

While I am paying and receiving the change, an old friend recognizes me and greets me. “You are up early,” he says.

“Yes,” I answer. “You have to get up early if you want to get something done.”

I step out of the way to count my change and decide what to do with it. As I stand there, the clerk comes to me and pours more change into my hand.

As I walk out of the store, I begin rewriting my answer to the old friend. I think I should have added, “It is all about winning souls for Christ. We have to stay focused on that.”

Then I began to script a series of short jokes that would lead into a question about eternity and then lead to telling the gospel.

Wake, 6:30 am, Saturday, March 06, 2010

Something New: Dream #2
Dream from Friday morning, 7 March:

Walking with my wife in an area of stores, I stop and sit at a wooden bench between shops. I put my right arm on the table. Pushing my forehead into my forearm, I say, “I am so sorry for this depression.” I apologize to her.

While we walk toward the table area, or when I have my head down on the table, I see that I need to take writing lessons. I need some instruction. This is seen as a line up and to the left. The imagery does not change. A kind of line, represented by a silvery distortion of light in a linear path, quickly goes out from near me. At the top of it, I see writing lessons.

As I am there, I look down at the ends of the 2x4s which are the table top. In the ends, I see a number of small green shoots growing out of the wood, rising up to the sky. There are at least four.

Another dream from the first week of March:

New Landscape: Dream #3
Walking into the back yard of my house, I begin pulling up weeds from the ground. The soil is dark brown and rich. This is good soil. I walk around and pull up specific weeds as I see them.

I plant flowers. I plant bright flowers in many places. I see a small table on the ground. Looking under it, I see some old, dead plants. The may have once been clover, but now are completely ashen black. Near these, I see a very strange looking little flower. It has a yellow brown stem which seems to have a light from within it. The flowers and leaves shine in different bright strong colors of purple, orange, yellow and various shades.

Staring at it, I desire to know if it is good or evil. I cannot tell. So, I decide to take it out and replant it in the open. I will watch how it grows and then decide what to do with it.

End of dream.


These three dreams all express coming “change”. The small sprouts in the end of the table signify that this change will come in several areas, and has already begun.

The replanting also says that I will replace some old things with good things.

The death of the ex-wife signifies a more thorough breaking with the old and even more freedom.

In the shop, I see two other changes that are coming: body weight, sleeping habits and evangelism. At this stage, I see there is more coming that I am not even expecting. There is more money in my wallet than I thought. The cashier gives me more change than I should have received for what I paid. Then, she gives me even more change after that!

Sweeping in the hotel lobby: I believe the hotel represents Heaven. Sweeping represents casting out spirits. The book there, I am guessing represents a book I am now writing, or a different one I will write later.

Other common themes:

Writing: On Friday, I see that I need to take writing lessons. On Saturday, I see a book. So, I see that I need instruction in writing to prepare for writing a book.

Unexpected change: In the back yard, I find a surprise flower, in the mini market, I did not expect to receive all change. I also did not expect to receive more change later.

New Growth: The new flowers and the new green shoots in the wood of the table are new growth. The flowers I planted myself. The shoots were young and small.

Break with the Old: The weeds were pulled up in the garden. The ex-wife died. These both represent undesirable things. (Note: the ex-wife surely represents an old spiritual union, not my ex-wife. I do not cheer when people die.)

Things I will be looking for in the future; things I will keep in mind:

1. What does that little brightly colored flower-plant represent? I put it in the open. Will some formerly hidden thing now come to light? Will it grow now that it is in a place where it can receive light?
2. What does a back yard represent? I am already thinking about this. A house is very well discussed in dream interpretation venues. The floors, attic, and basement are widely defined. But, what about a yard? It is attached to the house, so it represents the collective of ‘things attached to my life’. Maybe. I will be contemplating this until I feel I receive a revelation or spontaneous insight.

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