Don't be Fooled by Dreams, Synchronicities, and Other Deceptions

Don't be Fooled by Dreams, Synchronicities, and Other Deceptions - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Don't be Fooled by Dreams, Synchronicities, and Other Deceptions !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori deception !! dream decision !! interpretation of dream !! synchronicity !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Don't be Fooled by Dreams, Synchronicities, and Other Deceptions ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Always proceed with caution when you believe you have received some information. Whether in dreams or in a waking moment, ask, "Where did this information originate?" Not all information comes to you from a loving source. Just like Jesus taught when he walked the earth, there is good and evil in the world. Satan plummeted to earth like lightning. His fury and loss in the heavenly places brings him out to attack and destroy God's own creation- you.

He puts deception in dreams. He sends deception in visions. He sends trance states, automatic writing and even synchronicities. These always perform one work- lead you to trouble and pain. Be cautious about every dream. Who sent it? Is it merely the work of the mind? How do you interpret it? What do you do with the interpretation? Wisdom cannot be shoved aside to follow a dream. Use common sense. With experience, the preceding paragraph will mean much more to you.

How the Kingdom of Darkness Leads Astray with Synchronicities: 

Several years ago, while pondering the loss of three businesses with over a million in cash flow per year, being completely broke (which the Lord told me He was going to do.), having lost important personal relationships....

I asked the Lord, "How do I get myself into these things?"

The answer arrived immediately in the form of a vision:

I saw a few scenes of my life. In each one, I was making a decision. In those moments, I looked around for a "confirmation", or else simply observed something in my environment, and interpreted it into an answer. I then acted on this information.

What I saw in the dream differed from the actual moment. Everything was in gray and dark gray, and shades in between. Except: several objects in each scene flouresced a neon green. I understood these things had been placed in the moment by satan. They were there to confuse me.

There was not one thing. There were not just two things. Several things in each moment had been planted. The devil plays his wagers wide. He knows he can fail. He needs back up plans. Many items, sounds and events appeared in those moments according to the devil's works.

Proceed with Caution:

I am posting this today because.... I see some people very interested in synchronicities of 111 and 222 and other numeric occurrences. We have to be very, very careful!

Never make an interpretation, and certainly never take action, based on observed occurrences in your environment. Most of them are not random- they are planted from the enemy.

These are losing guide posts, almost every time.

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