A Promise of Children and a Look into the Future

A Promise of Children and a Look into the Future - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang A Promise of Children and a Look into the Future !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori calf !! calves !! children !! devil !! dream !! dreams !! new friends !! precognitive !! prophetic !! red bull !! validation !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan A Promise of Children and a Look into the Future ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Previously, I wrote about God showing the future of our children to us in dreams.

Recently, my wife and I received several dreams about children. When dreams about a certain topic increase in frequency, this signals the soon emergence of the event. Expect it to manifest soon.

Dream from Last Night, February 21, 2010:
I was walking alongside "my father". He said to me, "Alright, I'll give them to you to see how you do. But, I want you to see what will happen."

Then I looked and saw he had a rope in his hand. At the other end were a string of calves. There were three or four, I could not tell exactly. They were all black and white cattle. He led them to a green pasture. Opening a gate, he let them loose and closed the gate.

The field was surrounded by a typical three-wire barbed wire fence. One side of the square fence was also a side to another square area. In the adjacent area were red and white cattle. (Herefords?) One of these was off in a corner, distant from the separating line. He was a very large bull, red, with small patches of white. Most of the other cattle, however, were very near the border fence.

My calves also went close to the fence.

When I saw the big red bull, I noticed he stood in all mud. That side was very muddy. But, our side had a lot of grass, and only a few watery, muddy places.

The bull watched for a very long time. Then, he charged. He ran full power toward the fence, toward the calves. I understood he wanted to "mount" them and to plant his seed.

But, he pulled up short of the fence, huffed, and turned back.

More scenes of the future
I buy a big white truck. It has gigantic wheels like only a monster truck has. I drive it and park it in a storage shed facility. A hispanic man is there when I look up. Standing beside him is a young boy. Pointing a shotgun at me, he informs me he wants the truck.

Okay, I say. But, I have arthritis in my hand (I am lying), so just take the key and take it. "You know," I continue, "I made a bad decision to buy this truck. I can't reasonably make the payments. If you take it, it will be a favor. Then I can collect the insurance money."

He likes this, and takes the key. Leaning over to unfasten the lock, he grips the shotgun between his upper arm and his ribs. I grab it out and turn it on them. "Get on the ground!" The boy quickly complies. The man moves more slowly. I yell several more times. Once they are down, I begin yelling as loudly as I can for the police. Except, the word is not the english word for "police".

Second scene:

A woman with a strange knife and a small gang of cronies is attempting to rob me. I am watching the knife, asking, "How can I get that? How will I disarm her?"

The knife is a handle attached to a slightly concave circle. It could be modified into a candle holder. Except, on the candle end, there are several blades pointing out. Instead of one blade, there is a collection of them. There may be 8 or 14. She is very arrogant.

Third scene:

I am in a white house. From large windows, we can see the beach. My children sit around the breakfast table there. My wife is standing by me. A very cute girl, who looks like my wife is sitting there. Excitedly, she says, "Wouldn't it be great if we grew up living close to the beach?" My wife gets excited just like this.

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