A Dream Scene can Merely be a Movie Scene

A Dream Scene can Merely be a Movie Scene - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang A Dream Scene can Merely be a Movie Scene !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori "dream" !! "dreams" !! fulfilled dream !! Movie !! precognitive dream !! projection !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan A Dream Scene can Merely be a Movie Scene ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

I dreamed of a man who entered a room, raised his weapon to fire, and nothing happened. Another man rushed past him and killed the enemies in the room.

The original man repeats his performance, raising his weapon, but cannot fire. Again, someone else passes him and kills the enemies present while he stand idle.

In a third scene, (as I recalled), the original man is firing at enemy. He is in some kind of well, a fighting hole, I think as I recall. He fires this time, but a grenade lands near him and the other man saves him a third time.

This dream manifested. A movie fulfilled the scenes in this dream. I saw it the next day: From Paris with Love.

Movies fulfilled dreams other times in my life. In the late 90s I twice dreamed of a meteor hitting the earth. I had pages of details. A few days later, two separate movies fulfilled the two dreams: Deep Impact (1998) with Elijah Wood and Armageddon (1998) with Bruce Willis. So, when my wife suggested a movie night, I told her she could choose any movie she wanted. She chose the action movie From Paris with Love.

In that movie, a rookie intel agent fulfills the role of hesitant shooter. John Travolta kills everyone and advances the mission in each scene.

Important Dreaming Notes:

1. When I recalled the dream, I associated with the rookie intel operative. When I recalled the dream, I incorrectly interpreted this person to be me. I recalled a dream about me being unable to fire my weapon when I needed to do so.

2. Because I do not believe I would hesitate when needed, I also saw that my weapon jammed.

My own presence (projection) and the jamming weapon were added in at the point of recall. The mind does this. We must be very aware of our own selves- our personal perceptions, expectations and habits. These can "filter in" into a dream as it is recalled.

3. The major point of this post: A dream can be about a movie, not a real event or psychologically symbolic collage. It is important to not allow our emotions or fears to react too greatly to what is seen in a dream. 

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