Will Plants Increase Dream Recall?

Will Plants Increase Dream Recall? - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Will Plants Increase Dream Recall? !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori "dream recall tips !! effect of health on recall !! effect of oxygen on recall !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Will Plants Increase Dream Recall? ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Oxygen, apparently, increases the ability of people to recall their dreams.

Here are some interesting posts from a thread on watchmanscry.com started by "ActionJackson" :

Action Jackson starts the thread with:
Howdy. I deliver oxygen to home healthcare patients. I've had a number of my customers tell me that they began remembering their dreams when they started sleeping with oxygen. Not only did they remember their dreams but their dreams were very vivid. The wife of one of my customers says that her husband even moves his whole body while dreaming.

I don't remember my dreams except on very rare occasions. Has anyone ever heard anyone else say that oxygen helps them dream or remember their dreams? I almost wish I had a prescription for oxygen but I want to be very careful what I hope for.

This is interesting! I replied with this:
I have also read somewhere that having plants in the room increases dream recall. When I heard that, my first suspicion was that the increased oxygen produced by the plants is the cause.

Also, Kent Hovind teaches that, before the flood, there was a "canopy" over the earth, and that oxygen levels were much greater at the time because of it. This caused greater health and larger plants, larger animals.

I wonder if dream recall, then, is affected by health. That makes sense.

FaithfulServant adds this testimony:
I have to admit, for years I could never remember my dreams. I was having troubles with exhaustion, and found out I had sleep apnea. Since I have been using a CPAP machine I remember many of my dreams.

So, there seems to be some evidence here that oxygen increases dream recall.  I looked around for a system that would increase oxygen input. I found one here: The Zadro Oxygen bar. It claims it "Increases oxygen intake by over thirty percent". Here is a link to the Zadro:

 If you buy this, LET ME KNOW how it works. Try loaning it to some friends, then ask how about their dreams. Don't front load them... mention some other benefit, along with, "You have to try this." After the agreed loan period (one week?), when retrieving it from your friend, mention one of your recent dreams briefly. Then ask, "Have you had any dreams lately?"

This should produce an honest answer.

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