Dream Dictionary: Taking a Turn, What Does It Mean?

Dream Dictionary: Taking a Turn, What Does It Mean? - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Dream Dictionary: Taking a Turn, What Does It Mean? !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori "dream dictionary" !! corner !! dream symbol !! online interpretation !! rain !! Snow !! turn !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Dream Dictionary: Taking a Turn, What Does It Mean? ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

A turn represents a change. The following post describes a dream received by a man using oxygen. It was posted on watchmanscry in the previously mentioned thread about the effects of oxygen on dream recall.

Oh ... I forgot to mention this. I delivered some O2 to a man yesterday and asked him if oxygen had affected his dreams.  He said that it had in a big way and he described the following dream to me:

He and his ex-wife found themselves on the California coast.  All of a sudden a great sunami began heading their way.  They hopped into his old clunker car and drove as fast as they could but the tidal wave kept closing in on them.  He made a sharp turn to avoid the wave but it kept closing in on him.  Finally, they jumped out of the car and hid behind a big tree which protected them. 

It's pretty easy to see the meaning of that dream and I told him what I believed the message was.  I don't usually do a lot of witnessing while on the job because my secular company frowns upon such things but I couldn't help it in this instance.  He thanked me for my interpretation.

The sunami is the coming tribulation.  The big tree is Jesus Christ

First, I agree with the interpretation given by ActionJackson in his post. A "turn" means a sudden change in life perspective. Think about it, when a person turns, what they are looking at now is completely different. Their journey will take them to an entirely different place.

Here is another dream I read many years ago. An old woman who was lonely dreamed she was walking along a normal landscape. There was a simple path through this park. Green grass and trees lined the sides of the path.

Then, in her dream, she took a sudden ninety degree turn. She saw beautiful flowers, a bright sunny day broke out. She said she was amazing happy. Her analyst correctly predicted this foretold her death. And, in fact, she passed a few months later. She went to a happier place.


In early 1994, I was dreaming every night, and recording the dreams. One night I dreamed this:

I listen to a teacher. I do not see him. "Rain", he said, "signifies a change. Each year, as the spring rains come, they bring new life. When the Mississippi River flooded recently, it was God cleansing the earth, to make it new. Each year when the Nile River passed it's banks, it purified the soil of Egypt to bring new life. A rain represents a change." As he explained these things, I saw simple images of what he spoke.

"Soon, in South Africa, there will be a change. In Soweto, there will be rain. In Johannesburg, there will be light showers. In Cape Town, the sun will beat down." Only a few weeks later, the first open elections took place in South Africa. Listening to NPR, I heard the announcer describe exactly the weather patterns the dream described!

But, there was more to the dream. He also told me, "A turn or a corner also represents a change." I saw a street corner, a typical sidewalk. A man walked up, paused on the corner very briefly, and turned to his right.

"Snow represents a hard change." About that time I woke. I recalled several historical examples of a "worst snow on record" coming during a hard fought military campaign. I thought of Valley Forge in the American Revolutionary War when Washington's men fought frostbite; I remembered the invasion of Nazi Germany into Russia during World War II. A record snow fall killed many Germans and helped the Russians; I remembered the Marine Corps history of the "Frozen Chosin". This battle on the Korean peninsula saw Marines from America, Australia and England, joined by US Army artillery against hundreds of thousands of North Koreans and Chinese.

Later, I also learned that the hardest winter ever on the east coast of the United States occurred during the American Civil War.

So, these three symbols in a dream represent change: rain, corner, turn

This dream symbol represents a hard change: snow

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