عرض المشاركات من ديسمبر, ٢٠٠٩

LiveFolders as feeds

LiveFolders exist in Android since version 1.5. The mechanism was advertised as a lead feature of A…

Filter Your Own Thoughts from True Dream Content

Your Own Thoughts Enter into Otherwise Legitimate Dreams The following post relates scenes recalled…

Signs of a False Dream

Sometimes a dream is beyond the mere machination of the mind. Some dreams originate from positive s…

Sometimes the "YOU" in a Dream is Someone Else!

Convey Emotions and Thoughts: A dream sometimes intends to convey emotions and thoughts. In these c…

Computer Vision Papers at NIPS 2009

Here I some computer vision papers I found interesting at NIPS 2009 in Vancouver. [ pdf ][ bib ] Un…

How to Interpret Dream Symbols

The Author of a Dream Intends to Communicate When a dream plays out on the mental landscape, the in…

On Science: passion towards solving a problem must come from within

I'm currently in Chicago while traveling to Vancouver (NIPS 2009 conference) where I'll be …

Understanding the Dalvik bytecode with the Dedexer tool

See my Droidcon London 2009 presentation below as SlideShare presentation or download it from here…

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