The Symbology of Animals- Not always Immediately Clear

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I recently read a book about dreaming. When finished, I left a 1-star review on Amazon, and threw the book out.
The author interpreted a road runner to mean the same thing as an eagle. However, the two feathered animals are very, very different in lifestyle, abilities, and nature. To interpret the road runner in terms of what is known about the eagle is to err greatly.

Interpret the animal you see according to it's own specific particulars. Do not equate it to the closest animal with which you are familiar, and then interpret the animal of interest according to the one you know. Research the exact animal you see.

Remember, when God sends you a dream, He wants you to understand. He also does not waste details. Here is a discussion of the road runner. Is this like an eagle?

A roadrunner appeared several times at the church of a pastor and eventually died there. Johnson interpreted this as a sign that prophecy would increase. He equates the roadrunner to an eagle, and says that eagles represent Prophets.
Actually, eagles represent believers. "We will fly on wings of eagles" refers to all believers, not simply prophets. The eagle flies high above the earth where it can see for miles in all directions. When the wind shifts, he knows first. This is like a wise person, blessed with the Holy Spirit.
The roadrunner, contrarily, is called the "clown of the desert" and "the ground cuckoo" and runs along the ground. Rarely, it can be found in a tree. This bird cannot see beyond the nearest bushes. It is virtually blind! The roadrunner is not in the same Genus, Family or even ORDER as the eagle. In fact, the roadrunner is a member of the Cuckoo Family!
Eagles make their home on the high cliffs, where enemies can scarcely reach them. Cuckoos make their nest in bushes, in cacti, and sometimes in trees.

So, if you dream of an owl, what kind of owl is it? What is it's habit? Where does it nest? What is the historical interpretation? Do research, do not just think of a similar creature with which you are familiar, and interpret your dream symbol according to the nature of the known animal.

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