LESSONS LEARNED FROM A FALSE DREAM - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang LESSONS LEARNED FROM A FALSE DREAM !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori closed visions !! dream interpretation !! dream recall tips !! dream school !! dreams !! false dream !! free online interpretation !! nightmare !! open visions !! precognitive dream !! prophecy !! visions !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan LESSONS LEARNED FROM A FALSE DREAM ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

A friend emailed me a dream he had. I agree with his assessment that it was a false dream. In the dream, a woman who looked like someone from his past- who brought trouble- took him somewhere based on a promise. Once there, it became clear it was a deception. Here is my reply:

Your mind "translates" a spiritual event into things it can process and record. So, the evil voice manifests on your mental screen as a woman who led you into trouble before. It could not be a man because of the baby.

It makes more sense for a woman to have a child than for a man to have a child.

The zip line was never there- this is another mental translation (we can say interpretation as well) of a means of traveling in the spirit. Your mind desires some explanation other than "translated from one event in spiritual space to another event in spiritual space". (or some explanation like that..) The mind wants something comfortable and familiar- like a zipline, a flying carpet, an airplane, or even a broom.

The entire dream should be ignored. These evil dreams have only one value--

These dreams can be assessed to determine works of the enemy. Here are some things you can possibly assess:

1. Plans the enemy has against you. The enemy develops carefully structured plans and implements them over time. They are not afraid or too lazy to execute a 50 year plan against someone. They are not afraid to raise up false leaders and emplace them in government and church to lead the people to destruction. Billy Graham, Ted Haggerty, these are works of the enemy. They stepped out of God's plan and stepped into the enemy's plan.

For example, the idea that one soul dies, ascends and then watches over other souls is a New Age teaching. satan propagates these ideas through dreams and visions. Even those who do not consciously remember the dream they received from the devil, they will still be the recipient of a wrong idea-- but have no recollection how they got it.

2. Characteristics of the enemy's dreams. For example- was the nature of the woman guide EXACTLY like the woman you knew? Or was she a bit odd, or different in appearance and behavior? Your mind will "fix" some things to comply with what you remember of her, but some characteristics foreign to the real woman will remain.

It is a characteristic of the enemy's fabrications that a person, presented as someone you know, is really a demon. Remember: satan is able to present himself as an angel of Heaven. I imagine it is easier to mimic a human.

This is a dream you should not repeat to any other person. Just forget it, except for the intelligence value I briefly outlined above. There is likely more information available through analysis.

But the value is only about the enemy. In other words, the meta data is valuable, but not the data delivered by the deceivers in the dream.

We must keep our eyes on the Lord of Heaven, and listen to what He says, the words of the enemy are nothing. They will all cease.

God's words will remain forever.

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