Dreams: Valuable or Valueless?

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Dreams provide (sometimes) future information. Misunderstanding this provides a stumbling block to understanding.

I joined the Marines after high school. I spent 4 enjoyable years in the Marines, and loved the Corps. After the Marines, I had an entire series of dreams that I was "in the army". This baffled me considerably. “Why would I ever join the army?” I would ask myself. “I’d never do that.” I said. Marines do not exit the Corps and enter the ranks of the army. So, these dreams remained uninterpretable.

The dreams were always about serving in the army. In some, I was doing work, going on missions- but which did not involve direct combat. In others, I was IN the firefight. In some of the combat dreams, fellow soldiers and I win. In a few others, we take heavy casualties and losses. Reading Carl Jung, I could not isolate the symbolism of it. “Is there an internal struggle?” I wondered.

Conclusion-- The Army Service Dreams:

Later, I actually joined the army. I had thought the dreams were symbolic. Because I thought, "I would never join the army. I am a Marine." The Marines have a statement, “Once a Marine, Always a Marine.” Marines consider enlistment in the army taboo. Because of this, I could not interpret the dream to gain understanding.

Beliefs also roiled my ability to interpret the dream set. Like most American Christians, I believed dreams stem from neural mishaps of the brain. How confused that belief is! So, I failed to comprehend the dreams due to both my understanding of the reality of dreams and my prideful resistance against ever joining the army.


Predicting the events leading to my enlistment in the National Guard would have been impossible. I joined the Guard because… well, I’ll just say it. God told me to do it.

One day, praying about something else, I clearly heard the Lord say, “I want you to brush up on your Arabic and to do what Mike did.” I was stunned. First, the Lord does not always speak so plainly, and second, Mike had joined the National Guard.

“Oh, Lord,” I said, “I’ll buy a book tomorrow and begin studying immediately.
But, I can’t join the army.” My new side business was doing well, I thought. My social stood on a precarious limb. I did not want to go anywhere. I did not want to be in the army!

Each day after my refusal, I heard- but only once per day –every day, the Lord remind me. “You know what I want you to do,” he would say. Sometimes, I would feel a hand on the back of my shoulder. Not pushing, but lightly pressing, it reassured me. Finally, after three months, I relinquished and enlisted for three years of “one weekend a month and two weeks in the summer.”

Portion of the Dreams Fulfilled:

At the beginning of Operation Enduring Freedom, in March, 2003, I deployed with my unit to Kuwait. I served there one year, stepping into Iraq for only a few hours, but enough to hear an ambush on the horizon and witness the wounded and damaged vehicles as they passed.

De Ja Vu

After recalling dreams regularly for about two and a half years, I began to observe that a dream would be recalled to my mind just before the actual event would transpire. This is usually within 24 hours of the fulfillment. When many dreams comprise a full dream set, the process of automatic recall may begin weeks or months earlier.

This auto-recall process serves to warn in a more timely fashion. “Here it comes,” it says.

While in Kuwait, I recalled several of my “in the army” dreams. Many more dreams remain in the dream set. Only from the “peaceful” dreams have any been fulfilled.

About one-third (or less) of the army dream set transpired in my deployment to Iraq/Kuwait in March, 2003 for OEF/OIF.

The remainder, including all the combat dreams, exist in some future campaign of fighting, some future state of war. I expect these other dreams will come to pass. Without any change in the nature of men and nations, I expect to see war in our future. However, these dreams are not cause to fear. They are cause for celebration. We are warned so that we may be saved. There is a Divine force guiding us and desiring to preserve our lives.

Expect some of your dreams to be of the same nature: actual precognitive dreams. Dreams can be, but are not always, precognitive.

Here are more dreams of future war for Americans. These are also given to a Marine:


---This David Kocurek also has some combat in America dreams. He lists the location of his dreams as Oregon and California.

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