Dreams Sent to Multiple People

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Three Dreams about a Broken Couple Reuniting

While dating, I broke with the woman who is currently my wife. While we were apart, and not communicating, two of her friends dreamed we would reunite. One friend, someone I also knew, saw us walking in my wife's hometown, holding hands. Another friend, also from her hometown dreamed she was seated in a fancy restaurant, eating a nice meal. She saw me walk in, wearing a white shirt, and kiss my wife.

My wife also dreamed we would be reunited. In her words:

I entered my apartment, #9. Someone says, "He is back. He came back to you." I see my mother and my family seated in the apartment. I see you seated there. My heart moved and I said, "He needs me."

Later, we did reunite. The friend who dreamed of me kissing my wife in a restaurant-- she attended our wedding and reception. We had an excellent meal on a rented boat converted into a hotel. She saw me in my white shirt (jacket removed for dancing), and I certainly kissed my new wife many times that night!

Five Dreams about a Murder

When I first began researching dreams to learn of experiences similar to my own, I found a collection of dreams recorded by an Englishman in the 1800's. He lived in India. The most fascinating tale was of five friends who all dreamed the murder of a sixth man, who recorded the event to paper.

One morning, he dreamed he was walking with his usual group of friends, in a party mood, wearing tuxedos and evening gowns. Without any warning, a wild man rushed from an alley. The wild man wielded an axe, attacked the one man, and murdered him.

The dream disturbed him, but what followed really shook him. Five friends called and reported the same dream to him. Some called that morning. A few called later in the week.

Frustrated, he mulled it over, and then spoke with his friends, asking them, "Why did you not help me? Why did you not rush in? If you all rush in, you can overpower the man and save me."

After a few months, the group walked down a street after a dance. Suddenly from an alley, a homeless man rushed out with a knife. He leaped at the man who had been attacked in all the dreams. But, in the real event, his friends rushed in and overpowered the homeless man. No one was hurt at all.

Commentary on Five Dreams about a Murder:

Axe represents knife: Remember, the mind distorts images both in real life and in dreams. Many of us have met energetic, gregarious people. Meeting them a second time, there is a surprise. They seem "smaller". This results from a distortion of the mind- it magnifies the physical size of the person in our memory. This represents the size of the personality, not the actual physical presence. The exaggeration of the axe represented the magnitude of importance the weapon carried in the dream- it killed their friend.

Several Friends Dream a Baby Girl's Name

At a church in Athens, Georgia, a man wanted to name his daughter Piper. His wife disliked the name. However, the man believed for many years that one day he would have a daughter named Piper. They discussed it at home, and the wife held her ground. Then, a friend of the wife called and said, "I had a dream that you had a baby girl. Her name was Piper." No one knew she was pregnant. She had not released this information to anyone.

A second friend, who lived in another state, called with the same message. She added, "I just really felt that I needed to call you and share this dream with you."

Eventually, several people they knew called and shared a dream of little Piper. One even said, "You are supposed to name her Piper."

An Entire Village Shared a Dream:
In 2007, I visited New York with my wife. We stayed in a friend's guest bedroom. He is a pastor. While there, he told me about a convert from Islam. This man grew up a Muslim in a small, somewhat isolated village in Saudi Arabia. One morning, he woke from a powerful dream. He could not believe what he had seen in the dream. He felt powerfully compelled to walk out of his home.So, he did.
In the street, he joined others already there. And, despite the 4 a.m. hour, more and more people came out into the roadway.
All of them experienced the same dream. In it, they saw that Jesus is the Son of God. The government of Saudi Arabia persecuted the town for the subsequent Christian arrival, and the people fled. This particular man ended up in New York City.

Thousands Dream of a Tsunami in Puerto Rico
(October 27, 2013) There are reports coming out of Puerto Rico of thousands of people dreaming of a massive tsunami hitting the island.

Update (October, 2013): I now live in my wife's hometown. No small thing, either. This is Ukraine. 

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