CAN TWO PEOPLE SHARE THE SAME EXACT DREAM, TOGETHER? - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang CAN TWO PEOPLE SHARE THE SAME EXACT DREAM, TOGETHER? !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori dreaming together !! protecting dream space !! shared dreams !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan CAN TWO PEOPLE SHARE THE SAME EXACT DREAM, TOGETHER? ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

There are absolutely, without question, shared dreams.

These can be spiritual events, shared by more than one person. I will give a few examples:

Entering a Young Woman's Dream to Fight Her Enemies

1.  A Marine (once a Marine, always a Marine), I had a penchant for attacking demons or other oppressive forces whenever I saw them. One day, while working in my West Philadelphia shop, a young woman customer (a Christian girl) came in. She shopped in my store three or four times a week, and was always cheery. On one particular day, she walked about slowly and said nothing. When she stared at a point on the floor for a long minute, I asked, "Is something bothering you?"

Taken Hostage in a Dream by Outside Sentient Beings:

She said, "I came in here, I don't know why exactly... But I know I need to tell YOU this. In my dreams, the last three nights, I have been held prisoner. I was forcibly captured the first night, and put into a small room made of concrete blocks. Now I cannot have any dreams other than being a prisoner in that room. Each night, I dream the same. I am back again in this tiny room with walls of gray concrete bricks. I am not alone there. There are other prisoners as well."

This made me angry inside. A pressure came up inside my chest. I thought, 'I'm going to go and get those bastards.' But I said, "Don't worry about it. It is going to go away."

I did not see her for almost three full weeks.

When she finally returned, she went straight to the deli counter. She hunched over the brown shopping bags holding bagels left over from the morning. She looked through the bags, selected a few,  bagged them and brought them to the register. As I rang up her items, she spoke in a hushed tone, "Do you know why I haven't been in here for so long?"
I looked up. Her eyes were directly on me. Her words were very clear.

"No," I answered carefully.

She said, "The night after I told you my problem, you came into my dream. I was sitting in the hostage room with the others. Suddenly, the wall blew out. It just exploded. You ran through it, firing machine guns in both hands and killing all the hostage takers. You threw another grenade and blew out the opposite wall and ran through that hole. You never stopped." She looked at me. "It was so violent. I have been afraid to come see you."

"Have your dreams returned to normal?" I asked.

"Yes," she said.

I stared at her. That is how things get done, I thought. She turned without a word and walked out. 

She never shopped at my store again.

I have more examples. Most of the examples are about coming together to fight enemies. I have even had shared dreams with people who I met AFTER the dream. My friend Edward is an example.

I have also met enemies first in dreams. Again- fights, but in this case against demonically intertwined individuals. One was a sorcerer (yes, really). Another was a Freemason- the full-blown, fully complicit, Satan-worshiping kind.

Another was a real estate investor who frequented one of my coffee shops. He mistook my interest in real estate investing for amorous interest. This man was not really an enemy, but I saw him in the distance. I could feel his spirit, though.

There is ZERO doubt-- two human beings, uniquely created individuals can be in the same dream together. The two can meet by intention, in a friendly manner. Darkly, sometimes one attempts, and sometimes succeeds in forcing his will on the other(s). That is what happened to me against the Freemason. I ended the work of the real estate investor by clarifying my friendship with him. I defeated the sorcerer by casting a demon out of his familiar.

Visiting a Friend in a Dream

2. These can also be friendly dreams. When I lived in Philadelphia, I entered a tough time in my life. During the day, my business partner, ex-business partner, and others attacked me verbally with gossip, emotionally with cross looks and financially by emptying safes and accounts.

In this neighborhood lived a community of "far out hippies." One of these was a gifted sitar player from India. Raji embodied the best of friendly well meaning people. Several times during my ordeal, I sat with Raji in dreams. Once, his friend Arun joined him as he warned me of an attack that would come against me (which I thwarted thanks to the warning.) Raji encouraged and warned me in my dreams with him. I was going through tough times in my business. We were very different people in life, but in our dream meetings, he was a valuable friend.

Once, I had a long dream of just me and him talking. At the end of the dream, I asked him, "How can I prove to you, tomorrow, that we had this discussion?" He pondered, then said, "Tell me my favorite band is "ONE"."

When I saw him, I conveyed the dream and the confirmation. He said, "Well, that is certainly true, my favorite band is called "One". I asked about the band, as I had never heard of it. He said, "It is MY BAND."

Also, considering that angels are also unique sentient creations like us, there are many positive interactions with angels in dreams. Angels deliver messages both in person (it still happens today) and in dreams.

Cast Out Unwanted Visitors to Your Dreams:

Remember, you have a right to deny access. Declare something like, "You have no right to be here. I command you to go in the name of Jesus!" Demons absolutely fear the name of Jesus. People and other sentient forms also have to obey. No exceptions. For deeper instruction on clearing demonic or other aggressive, foreign entities from your dreams, visit this site: Expel Demons and Nightmares

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