Can a Demon Possess Me in a Dream?

Can a Demon Possess Me in a Dream? - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Can a Demon Possess Me in a Dream? !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori demon dream !! dream about drugs !! dream interpretation !! get high in dream !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Can a Demon Possess Me in a Dream? ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

A demon can possess someone in a dream, just as they can in real life. The spiritual right is gained by an agreement or bargain.

Here, a young person seems to have done just this. The following dream is posted in a forum:

Okay, I can't remember all of the dream, but i do remember the end.

I remember standing on a huge golden staircase. It was almost a heaven setting- a big ascending staircase, golden light, clouds, etc. Jimi Hendrix was there :unworthy: , and he gave me a genie lamp. There was a multicolored vapor coming out of the spout. It was like if you ground up a rainbow, then boiled it: this was like what was coming out of the spout. I remember something about "Angel," like Angel breath or Angel Dust. Angel Dust is PCP, but PCP ia a powder. This wasn't PCP.
Anyhoo, I think I put the nozzle in my nose or my mouth and WOW!!! :ecstatic:
I saw vibrant colors, and heard incredible noise, (can't remember specific sound) it was total euphoria. It was like an explosion! Like when you close your eyes really tight and press on them with your hands and look around. I literally felt high. It was really cool. It didn't last long, :x but it was really awesome. I don't do drugs, and I've never been high/drunk/stoned in any form or fashion. What's your take on this?

My Response:

A genie lamp comes from the middle east. The Arabic word for a demon is "jinn", their adjective for something demonic: jinnie.

That is the origin of our word, genie. The Japanese also refer to a demon as a "jinman."

Jimi Hendrix represents music, the lamp, a demonic force.

Satan offers powers to musicians, actors, writers... Many of them make their "deals" in their dreams. The cost is always the same- your soul. If your talent level suddenly increases, and you start having visions of complete songs and complete compositions in dreams-- you have a problem.

Check out the video, "They Sold Their Souls for Rock 'n Roll". It is posted free on YouTube. The devil is in all forms of music, even the "Christian" genre.

This is a bad, bad dream.

I knew a rocker once, a former star... he would go on benders-- days on end drunk. In his sleep he moaned the most terrible moans I have ever heard, like something from Hell- no exaggeration.

The cure is to renounce all demonic forces and all evil things. Make a clear request for Jesus to fill your life.

Also--- did you take in anything that might be demonic? A Buddha statue? An old book, witchcraft books, etc? If so- throw it out of your house, burn it if you can.

The devil is willing to give people whatever they want- in exchange for rights in their life and a hope to gain their soul. However, every person retains the right to reject the darkness in the world and turn to God at any time, even just before death.

To help in these matters, I penned a short book, How to Stop Having Nightmares. It sells on Amazon for 99 cents (free if you have Amazon Prime.)

Case #2: Several years ago, I dreamed a dream from the perspective of a man who was married and lived near a wood. One day, he woke up and understood he would be possessed. For him, it actually happened on the day immediately following the night on which I saw the event in my dream. He left his home to keep his wife safe. But, for three days, he lived in the woods, fighting the demonic spirit. This spirit manifested as a large wolf. In the end, from my mental perspective in the dream, I received an epiphany: "What is important to the Kingdom of God is his Word, the seed of faith. Where is the enemy's seed?"
After a long battle against the wolf, I had retreated to the edge of a water fall. I stood in the middle of the the low creek. I had nothing but a heavy walking stick. Water rushed against my legs. The wolf approached, his eyes measuring my height, stance, and position. He charged head on through the water. When he reached the appropriate distance, he leaped.
At that moment, I swung with the staff. It struck the wolf squarely in his testicles. Immediately, everything it was doing ended. It landed hunched like a cat, and side-hopped away like one, too. Then, yelping, it moved back. First with a series of three quick jumps and then a turn and an awkward run. It maintained the semi-balled up state as when it landed in the water.

The next day, a YouTuber posted that her husband was missing. She posted a video and said her husband had become fully possessed and ran out of the house. Many Christians responded with prayer and encouragement. Three days later, he returned. He shared how he had fought for three days in the woods. And, he finally broke free when he struck his opponent- a wolf -in the 'nads.

This second case of possession in a dream is more interesting. I dreamed another person's experience from the first person. He experienced the event in reality. So, was I possessed in the dream? Does this answer whether a person can be possessed in a dream? In this case, it is a very interesting philosophical and theological question. As I dreamed another person's experience, how real was it for me? In the ultimate sense, was I also possessed?

Case #3: I have heard and read several testimonies of people being attacked by demons in their dreams. They literally woke with physical wounds. One online blogger received wounds every morning which he described as "pins in my gums." I wrote him explaining this is a demonic attack. His email response was violent and angry. But, the case I want to share involves a man who lived in the south of Ukraine. He woke often with scratches all over his body. In his dreams, a demon attacked him with its claws. When he woke, he had real, physical scratches on his skin. He was covered in them.

The man arrived in Kiev in the summer of 1998. He wanted to die. But, he heard of a Nigerian pastor in Kiev who could cast out demons. So, he made one last attempt to be set free. He insisted on receiving prayer only from this one specific pastor.

He explained his situation. "I have already been to see every church that prays. Two different churches assembled one hundred men to fast for 40 days for my deliverance. They fasted and prayed for me. But, I still wake with new scratches every morning." 

The Nigerian placed his hands on the man's head and said, "Demon, Get out."

The visitor from the south asked, "Is that it?"

"Yes," said the staff. And, that was it! The man moved to Kiev to attend that church. He remained a member at the time I heard the story, several years later.

So, a demon can possess a person in a dream. But, that demon can also be cast out. Freedom requires faith and belief in the power of the Word.

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