Black Dogs & "Black" Women

Black Dogs & "Black" Women - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Black Dogs & "Black" Women !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori black dog !! black horse !! black woman !! dark woman !! darkness !! dream interpretation !! dream meaning !! evil !! famine !! nightmare !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Black Dogs & "Black" Women ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

There have been a few dreams recently, posted in forums, about black dogs and dark women.

These are manifestations of evil.

A black dog is an entity which obeys its master. These work for a master, a dark force. To see these in association with a person reveals to you the spirit in which that person works. Be sure you are certain as to the identity of the person.

A black dog can also represent a dark force itself. If some force is coming against you down the road, in your future, this can be represented by a dark dog or other dark animal. (Note: a dark horse represents famine.)

A black woman represents the voice of evil. She gives bad advice to create war, division, hatred and self-rejection-- all the terrible things of the world. This should absolutely NOT be interpreted to mean a woman descendant of the African continent. The dark skin of Africans has no spiritual significance.

To develop the concept, note that one woman recently dreamed of a dark woman commanding black dogs.

(Added June, 2016): Walking in Kiev's Nivky Park recently, my Ukrainian wife's brothers told me this story:
"When we were kids, we lived near here. President Kruschev had a house here. It was surrounded by a tall iron fence. Inside, though, were apple trees. We came in the afternoons and asked the body guards to throw apples to us over the fence. You could only get them if guards threw them over the fence. Besides the guards, there were massive black dogs guarding the house." 
 So, there is at least one real-world example of black dogs protecting evil. Real examples like this help create and reinforce the kinds of connotations that derive symbolic meaning.

(Read comments below thread for more information!)

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