Keep Accurate Dream Notes

Keep Accurate Dream Notes - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Keep Accurate Dream Notes !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori dream journal !! dream notes !! mental substitution !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Keep Accurate Dream Notes ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Accurate Notes Override Ignorance

There will be times a dream contains information you do not know. If your notes are accurate and honest, you will not lose meaning. There will appear people and places you have never met and never visited. There will be concepts which may be nonexistent or in fledgling stages when you see them in dreams. Attempts to make sense of what you have seen before you write it down can cost you later.

Whatever you see, just relate it honestly. If the item is obviously unclear, describe it as “something like a …” In my written notes, I use the shorthand “sla” to mean ‘something like a”. For example, “She held something like a small bag of potatoes.” When that manifested, it was actually a small brown purse. The sla term will be useful to you when you need to describe new technology or science not yet known generally in the public forum. You will need this term to describe things outside of your experience.

One of the first things I learned the mind distorts is faces. In 1995, I dreamed of the woman I would marry. She was Christian and had short, dark hair. Eventually, I met her in April, 2004. But, at the time, I knew only one woman with those two characteristics: Kelly, from my Bible study group. So, in the dream, I saw the Kelly I knew. I treated her very kindly after that, but I never felt like she was “the one” for me, and I could see that I clearly was not her type at all. So, in your notes, if the person you see in recall in the dream behaves uncharacteristically of the person you know in real life, feel free to qualify the mention. Write, for example, “Someone like Kelly arrives to the party and...” or write, “There is a person like Dave there.” If the person is important in the scene, include the details that make them like the person you know.

Many would-be prophets failed in November, 2008 when George W. Bush left office without being assassinated. Google “dream Bush assassination” and see the hundreds of thousands of “misses” on that. Those who called for “President Bush” to be assassinated now have a miss counted against them. They wonder now if their ability to see the future precognitively is accurate or merely a shade of accurate. A veteran would report only something like, “a president of the United States is assassinated.” This allows for the fact of substitution. While Bush was president, who but the Illuminati knew Obama would win? So, in the dreams of those who looked forward, they saw Bush, not Obama. This is a substitution according to office or position. The face seen in the dream is the face of “the American president”. To a person dreaming in 2004, the American president is George Walker Bush. Likewise, without further information, it is folly to proclaim Obama will be assassinated.

Several years ago, I read a detraction of a psychic. They should all be detracted. Working with demons will always produce inaccuracies. However, this woman had accurately predicted an event that befell a British Parliamentarian. Incorrectly, however, she predicted the event would strike the current holder of that office. Later, the man she fated to stumble politically was removed from office prematurely. His replacement, however, fell from grace just as predicted. She erred in that she failed to observe the lesson you are now learning: beware of mental substitutions.

Many people have shared with me their dreams of a future spouse. “But I could not see her face,” most of them said. The same was true for me. I only once saw the face of my future wife. In other cases, her face was clouded out, or grayed out. I am not sure why this is. However, of interest to us is how the substitution happens in recall.

The mind does not like open questions, unanswered conundrums, or things you cannot remember. It will continue to work on one of these issues until it is resolved. When an vague or unfamiliar face appears in the dream, the mind automatically substitutes a known face for the unknown one. The mind possesses the capacity to do this with every category of thing and object.

The mind substitutes automatically. Be wary of faces, things and changing offices, they can be renewed at any time. Many times, you will feel that something is not correct in your perception of the dream. But, this will not always happen. The best thing is to be aware of the mind’s automatic substitution in dreams and to ask yourself, “Am I absolutely certain this is the case? Or, is this just similar to something (or someone) I know?”

Just take honest notes. Later, you may not be able to remember that there was a hazy nature to the detail that was substituted. If you do not qualify it as uncertain, when the dream is coming to pass three, five or ten years later, how will you be certain?

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