A tribute to "Frank"

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Typhoon Frank ravaged the country last June. However, let us all remind ourselves of the pain it has brought to all our countrymen. Furthermore let us also not forget the lessons it has brought us. Let us not foget the real value of planning, preparedness, and the willingness to help in times of crisis.

The following is the lyrics of the song "Cycles" by Frank Sinatra which I think would be appropriate for the lessons we have learned from the tragedy.

CYCLES (Frank Sinatra)

(J. Caldwell)
[Recorded July 24, 1968, New York]

So I'm down and so I'm out
But so are many others
So I feel like tryin' to hide
My head 'neath these covers

Life is like the seasons
After winter comes the spring
So I'll keep this smile awhile
And see what tomorrow brings

I've been told and I believe
That life is meant for livin'
And even when my chips are low
There's still some left for givin'

I've been many places
Maybe not as far as you
So I think I'll stay awhile
And see if some dreams come true

There isn't much that I have learned
Through all my foolish years
Except that life keeps runnin' in cycles
First there's laughter, then those tears
But I'll keep my head up high
Although I'm kinda tired
My gal just up and left last week
Friday I got fired
You know it's almost funny
But things can't get worse than now
So I'll keep on tryin' to sing
But please, just don't ask me how
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