Showing posts with the label Writing Center Services

Third Time's the Charm: Strategies for Your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Paper Review Appointments

Did you know that using the Walden Writing Center’s paper review service three or more times can im…

Third Time's the Charm: The Magic of Multiple Paper Review Appointments

Have you ever wished for a magic wand? I know that I have, especially when contemplating a new writ…

Thursday Thoughts: Resources for Multilingual Students

Are you a multilingual student looking for some tips on U.S. academic writing or English language l…

Thursday Thoughts: Improve Writing at the Paragraph Level

We know it seems like there are so many elements to writing: researching, writing clear sentences, …

Thursday Thoughts: Building and Testing Your APA Skills

APA guidelines can be confusing at times. Don’t stress, though! The Writing Center offers several s…

February Webinar Update

At this point in your academic term, you are moving on to bigger writing assignments with longer pa…

Thursday Thoughts: New year, New Writing Goals

What do you have your sights set on for the new year?   Why not aim for signing up for our  paper r…

Year-In-Review: Walden University Writing Center 2017

As 2017 comes to a close, we in the Writing Center are reflecting on our services for the Walden co…

AWA Student Spotlight: Sohna Shook

The Writing Center’s Administrative Writing Assistants (AWAs) are at the front line of the  writing…

A Coda to GDS 2017: Writing Center Resources for Positive Social Change

At this point of Global Days of Service 2017, Writing Center staff have already contributed volunte…

Student Spotlight: Heather Graham, College of Health Sciences

The Walden University Writing Center is privileged to work with talented students. In the Student S…

Student Spotlight: Lilly Abdulrohman Mohamed, College of Management and Technology

The Walden University Writing Center is privileged to work with talented students. In the Student S…

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