Showing posts with the label MATLAB

Can you pass the HOGgles test? Inverting and Visualizing Features for Object Detection

Despite more than a decade of incessant research by some of the world's top computer vision res…

Using Panoramas for Better Scene Understanding

There's a lot more to automated object interpretation than merely predicting the correct catego…

drawing sexy graphs in matlab

Everybody who loves computer sciences loves graphs.  But the fat 'n juicy graphs, the ones with…

The vision hacker culture at Google ...

I sometimes get frustrated when developing machine learning algorithms in C++.  And since working i…

Question: What makes an object recognition system great?

Today, instead of discussing my own perspectives on object recognition or sharing some useful links…

blazing fast nms.m (from exemplar-svm library)

If you care about building large-scale object recognition systems, you have to care about speed.  A…

Matlab Trick: Counting via Sparse

Here is a simple little matlab demo script of how to count items using the command sparse . Counti…

if you are starting your research in the field of object recognition / object detection...

If you are an aspiring computer vision graduate student and hope to one day shatter the boundaries …

Simple Newton's Method Fractal code in MATLAB

Due to popular request I've sharing some very simple Newton's Method Fractal code in MATLAB…

Using Computer Vision to Solve Jigsaw Puzzles

This past Thanksgiving I took a little bit of time to see if I could solve Jonathan Huang's Puz…

Linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) in the Primal

I often solve linear SVMs. These are convex optimization problems, much like logistic regression, …

Learning Per-Exemplar Distance Functions == Learning Anisotropic Per-Exemplar Kernels for Non-Parametric Density Estimation

When estimating probability densities, one can be parametric or non-parametric. A parametric appro…

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