Showing posts from March, 2012

4-level expandable list views

A while ago I got a question if 3-level expandable list views can be implemented in Android. Androi…

How to Add a Background Image to Blogger

Since the new template designer came out some years back, adding a background image to Blogger is n…

Example application for accelerometer/compass processing on Android

I hope you are well prepared by now what you can expect from the compass-accelerometer sensor fusio…

"I shot the cat with my proton gun."

I often listen to lectures and audiobooks when I drive more than 2 hours because I don't always…

PHONE_STATE broadcast and 4.0.3

Anybody out there who has experience with android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE broadcasts and 4.0.3? I…

Travel Review: Auckland, North Island, New Zealand - Day 2

I wanted to see the native New Zealand animals while I was here; so decided the best way to capture…

Compensating accelerometer with the compass - the limitations

In the previous parts of our sensor processing series , we have seen how to use the gyroscope to …

Travel Review: Auckland, North Island, New Zealand - Day 1

Out of the many countries I could have of been to, I am in Auckland, New Zealand.  I flew on a very…

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