Showing posts from October, 2011

Runtime's DiskExplorer 4.25 for FAT-NTFS-Linux

Windows based Disk Editor for Windows and Linux File Systems without installation. Download Portab…

Google Internship in Vision/ML

Disclaimer: the following post is cross-posted from Yaroslav's "Machine Learning, etc"…

How to solve Must Override a Superclass Method Error

Ever import some Android sample code into eclipse and get the dreaded  "Must Override a Superc…

NIPS 2011 preview: person grammars and machines-in-the-loop for video annotation

Ross Girshick , Pedro Felzenszwalb , David McAllester Object Detection with Grammar Models To appea…

Workaround for minimizing sensor sampling battery cost

In my Droidcon 2011 presentation I tried to highlight the battery cost of the continuous sensor sa…

Interference in Dreams from Movies

Interference in Dreams from Movies In 1998, two movies opened on the same topic: an asteroid hits t…

Android Garage Door App

Ever wanted to check your garage door from you Android phone? Now You can Open and Close Your Garag…

WinMount 3.4.1020 64 bit

Mount rar, zip, DVD, CD, HDD images quickly without installation. Download Portable WinMount 64 bi…

Foreca Weather released

Let me advertise an application that has just appeared on Android Market. Why? Because I was the An…

Battery cost of sensor sampling

While at Droidcon UK 2011 , I was asked to elaborate my claims about the battery cost of sensor sam…

My presentation about motion recognition at Droidcon 2011

I finished on time! Per popular demand, here is the presentation. Motion recognition with Andro…

Kinect Object Datasets: Berkeley's B3DO, UW's RGB-D, and NYU's Depth Dataset

Why Kinect? The Kinect, made by Microsoft, is starting to become quite a common ite…

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